Monday, January 4, 2010

Christmas at the Ranch

Last Thursday, we decided to leave in the middle of a major remodeling project (I'll be posting on that soon) and head down to the The Dalles area to visit family over New Years weekend. The weather was great here, but when we were about an hour out of The Dalles, things got ugly. A lady in an SUV lost control as we were passing her and she almost hit us. I can't remember the last time I was that scared. I couldn't stop crying for about a half an hour. It was so close and there was just nothing we could do. Luckily, she was OK. I saw her hit the guard rail, but she didn't flip and the snow softened her impact. We couldn't stop because we had people in front of us and behind. Praise God we got there safely. We stopped at my sis' for a couple hours. My dad took me on a date, which was super special. Then we loaded the family up and headed to my Aunt's house for New Year's Eve. It was fun catching up with that side of the family. Then we went out to the ranch and stayed with my dad and step-mom. New Year's day was our Christmas with them. They kids got spoiled. Diana made them aprons. Josiah's is camo with soldiers on it. I love it! My sis and brother with all their kids came out to the ranch for a wonderful turkey dinner. We watched the Rose Bowl and played games together. Great times.

Diana has been on the hunt for a childhood book that I've been looking for that is no longer in print, called "Mouse Cafe". I couldn't believe she found it! I keep reading it to the kids and so far they seem to like as much as I do. This was one of the most special gifts I've ever received.

Josiah got a Revolutionary war outfit. He wanted to be a British soldier (traitor, LOL). We just need to get him a hat and he'll be all set for him and his cousins' next themed birthday party (you guessed it - Revolutionary War). They like to plan these things way in advance, hee hee.

Hailey received a crown and a princess dress that will also work for the Revolution themed birthday party when I take the big collar off. It'll be perfect!

The next day we visited Michael's best friend, Tim, and his family for a couple hours before heading to Hood River to visit Michael's parents and sister. We had a lovely turkey dinner with them as well and exchanged gifts. Josiah got an interactive atlas and Hailey got another apron set (Princess themed) with hat and mitts. Adorable~ Unfortunately the camera was buried and we didn't get any pictures. I'm sure I'll be taking some of her in it later and putting them on the blog. The next day we went to church with Michael's parents, then headed home. We stopped off at my mom and step-dad's for dinner then made it the rest of the way home without incident. When we got home, we unpacked, cleaned a little and then started mudding and sanding sheet rock again. Can't wait to have my house back. Right now we're living in only half the house. Patience...Oh well, I know it will be worth it. I'll be posting pictures of our remodeling project soon.

Hope you all had a wonderful New Year and I'll try to catch up with my blogging soon. Just depends on how this remodeling project goes.

God Bless,
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  1. Oh how my heart goes out to you!! The girls and I once witnessed a horrible accident right in front of us....that we could do nothing about. We just prayed and screamed the name of JESUS!! But we had lots of tears and nightmares for days around here. So sad.

    Can I just say that I LOVE your little red heads!! They're adorable and I can't wait to see them in their aprons! It sounds like you had a wonderful time with family and friends. Have a very happy new year!!

  2. We were almost in an accident on the way home from Disneyland too. We were slowing down but then traffic just stopped abruptly. Gene was driving (thankfully) and was able to swear at the last second and avoid collision. Poor Elisha though, our stuff was stacked to the roof in the back of the Suburban and some of it came down on top of him. But praise God we were all okay and so was the person in front of us we nearly crashed into.

    Sounds like you had a lot of fun once you were able to settle down your nerves a big. I am very thankful you were not hurt.

    Looking forward to seeing those pictures soon!

  3. Well it sounds like you had a fabulous break from your remodel. I am just loving those revolutionary war outfits. Your daughter's expression is priceless!

  4. Oh and I am very thankful you all are okay. I know that close calls are terrifying.

  5. I, too, am glad you were all fine after a dangerous drive! Outfits are cute, but not nearly as cute as the kids inside them!! Remodeling can be SO difficult, but we await the outcome in pictures, Jackie.

  6. Jackie,

    Praise the Lord that you and the family are okay! I have had some of those moments as well. It really makes me realize the protection of the Lord. I am glad you had a great break from your remodeling project too.

    God bless,

  7. Those close calls really are scary. But thank God you were not hit and everyone was ok. Love the pictures of Josiah and Hailey. They are both so cute in their costumes.

    I am anxious to see the finished remodeling project. :)

  8. Your kiddos look so cute! I'm so glad you are safe!

  9. How scary - I am glad you guys are okay. It is so scary driving because you have no control over the other drivers!

    It sounds like you all had a wonderful time!


  10. Wow, how scary. I'm glad you're okay! Praise God!

    We traveled on Thursday too, home from Portland. We had to drive real slow and passed 4 wrecks.

    How nice that you could keep on celebrating Christmas! You are so blessed to have so much family. I always love looking at your pictures!


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