Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Oh Christmas Tree!/Comments

Last Sunday we braved the ice cold wind and temperatures to get a Christmas tree from a friend's tree farm. I think Michael really appreciated the cold because it didn't take long for us to pick out a tree and I didn't change my mind a hundred times, LOL! I think this is my favorite tree yet.

Josiah is getting old enough to help dad carry the tree to the car. He's such a big big now!

The kids and I trimmed the tree. Josiah was a real help this year, but Hailey was more interested in playing with the plastic Christmas balls. She insisted on wearing the quilted Christmas apron I got from a yard sale this summer for next to free. I think she looks so adorable in it.

I love to do a themed tree. I got all these Christmas ornaments, blue lights, ribbon and tree skirt at a yard sale last year for less than $5. It was an incredible deal! So I did a "Winter Wonderland" theme this year. The only thing I bought was the silver glittery star and the bow below the star. I added our family Christmas ornaments that were silver or snow themed. My mom let me borrow her hand-crocheted snowflake ornaments for a final touch. This picture doesn't do the tree justice. It is so pretty with all the lights twinkling. I love Christmas trees! I've been enjoying all my blogging friends trees and seeing what they come up.

*Side note, I've gained so many followers and I'm following so many blogs now that I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed with trying to keep up with everyone. I think this is how I'm going to start handling this wonderful problem: If you comment on my blog, I will in turn make sure I visit your blog and will leave a comment.
Hope you all have a wonderful time trimming the tree with your families!

Love and Blessings,
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  1. I have a question! Where is that tree farm????

    The kids and I are the tree hunters.. We usually get one from a nursery...I would love to cut one - but I don't want it to be a 'mom get's stuck or lost' in the forest adventure!

    Super cute apron and tree!

  2. Your tree looks great! This year we changed from the blue/silver theme to a pink and silver theme, my oldest picked out the pink, I was skeptical but it turned out pretty. We did a bow on top this year too. :)

  3. Beautiful tree!! I like the idea of the theme! Your son looks super happy to have found it! oh, and I like the apron too!

  4. Your tree is beautiful! I like the ornaments with the kid's pictures the best! I also like the idea of a themed tree but we have so much tradition into the ornaments that we put on our tree every year, I do not think that we could leave any of them off for a certain theme. Maybe we could eventually do a small themed tree too. Oh, I don't know that seems like a lot more to have to think about this time of year. I am not sure I can do that yet. Maybe when the kids are grown in a decade or so. :) LOL I love the idea though. Your tree is so pretty!

  5. Your tree is beautiful! A theme idea is fun- then your tree can be different each year. I guess I'm a sentimentalist when it comes to the tree decorations! Oh, and I would very much enjoy your homemade chocolate bars!!! We have friends in Idaho, who knows we may trek through your neck of the woods someday!!

  6. Oh, lovely tree, Jackie! We have a theme too: Jay's kids and my kids' ornaments they've made as children or given us as adults. It is really not a pretty tree, but that's what Jay loves. Oh, well.

  7. Jackie,

    I love the tree, I am sure it is much more stunning in person, but it looks great on here!!

    How neat to have your mom's hand-made ornaments!

    I have been bad about leaving comments lately, I am sorry!


  8. Your tree looks amazing! What a great deal, Jack!

    I think your idea on the comments is excellent. I have been a bit overwhelmed as well. This focuses on relationships which is what this is all about in my opinion!

  9. I agree with Stacie ~ You simply cannot do everything!! Great idea on the comments...but everytime I comment do not feel obligated to comment at my spot in cyberspace...only if there is something that interests you and you WANT to comment.

    Your tree is very pretty...I think themed trees are great!

    I have never done a themed tree...mine usually looks the same year after year after year...and I have sentimental kids who want to keep it that way. :)


  10. Beautiful tree! :) I echo Camille...please don't ever feel like you HAVE to comment on my blog...I'm a busy gal too and I totally understand! :)


  11. The tree is beautiful. What fun cutting down your own tree. We do that too.
    Enjoy the decorations and all the fun of the season. :)
    In His love,

  12. Watch out! You're going to end up with tons of comments now, how will you keep up with reading them all and reading all of our blogs?

    That is a pretty tree. You did a great job!

  13. Your tree is beautiful and so are your children. I love the apron on your little doll.

    Have yourself one terrifically blessed day!!!

  14. Beautiful tree!! And the fact that you found all the decorations at a garage sale for $5.....WOW!! I LOVE garage sales/thrift stores!!I'm not sure if it's the thrill of the hunt or the satisfaction of finding the deal of the century! lol

    My mother also crocheted beautiful snowflakes. She's gone on to heaven now, but we still hang them every year. When the girls get married they will be a part of their hope chests.

    Super cute apron too!!


So many blogs, so little time. If you leave a comment, I'll do my best to stop by your blog for a visit. Thanks for taking the time to encourage me today! Please ask permission before taking pictures off of my blog. Thank you!