Friday, December 11, 2009

Some of My Favorite Christmas Decorations

I thought I'd post a few of my favorite Christmas decorations that mean so much to me. This is my jewelry tree my dad and step mom made for me the year Michael and I got married. I love it! They took a bunch of old jewelry, some from thrift stores/yard sales and others that were my own old jewelry, and made a lighted Christmas tree in a frame. There are so many memories wrapped up in that one decoration. I never get tired of looking at it. Don't you just want to reach through the computer and straighten my picture? I know, it's making me twitch, too, LOL!

I got these wired/glittery Christmas trees the year Michael was in Iraq. Josiah was 15 months old that Christmas and there was no way I was going to try to set up a Christmas tree by myself and then keep Josiah out of it. This was my alternative. When I look at these, I'm so thankful to have my hubby home with me for the holidays.

I've had this centerpiece for years now. It was the first "classy" Christmas decoration I ever bought. We got the bowl as a wedding present and it fits perfectly into this wreath. The bowl is the perfect size to put three floating candles in it. The kids love it when I light these candles at dinner time. My sis gave me the table cloth because she knows how much I love plaid at Christmas time. I love all things Scottish. Last year I did a Scottish, plaid Christmas tree theme.

Josiah helped me put the village together this year. Many family members have given me various pieces of the village. It is the perfect size for my buffet. The "snow" is a hand-crocheted table cloth that Michael's deceased grandparents gave us for a wedding present.

What are some of your favorite Christmas decorations and why are they meaningful to you? If you have time, post some on your blog, then leave a comment so I will be sure to visit you.

I'll be posting on my nativities/advent tree next. So stay tuned!
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  1. That's funny Jackie...I was just writing one of those posts out last night. It's not up yet though...hopefully soon! :)

    How special to have those memories attached to those decorations...I totally get the sentimental thing...I even got teary while wrapping gifts ~ I re-use gift tags for our children. Originally it was to save $$$ but I have discovered that they have become sentimental little items! Eeeek!

    Your village is beautiful and that "snow" precious!


  2. My village isn't out this year, we used to put it on the piano, since we sent it back to the music store, I have no place for the village- no worries

  3. Love your jewelry tree and your Christmas village. I hope to get up a post with some of our decorations soon. I will put a pic of our tree in the post too so you can see what I was saying in my last comment. :)

  4. I love your decs! Some of them look a lot like mine! I'll be posting mine soon!

  5. I love all of it, but especially the jewelry picture. What a special gift that was!

  6. I have always loved seeing Stacie's jewelery tree. I just love it!

    Love your decorations too. Especially the sentiments.

  7. Oh I love your decorations and the tree made out of old jewelry is wonderful.
    Thanks for sharing. I'm posting mine on MOnday.

  8. I've got a matching jewelry tree too. But the lights don't work and I'm not technical enough to fix it. It's a beautiful thing, I suspect made for Mary.

  9. Regina,
    Yes, D & D made one for Grandpa and Grandma Mary, too. It really isn't that hard to fix the lights. First I would try replacing bulbs to see if one is bad. A mouse ate through the wire when Michael was in Iraq. I bought another string of lights and glued them in with a hot glue gun. Worked fine and I'm the most non-tech person you know. I remember that jewelry tree, it is beautiful!

  10. I love the jewelry tree, what a neat idea! No Christmas tree post yet, but it's coming soon. We've been super busy as the kids are in the Christmas play at church. They had practice this week on Tuesday and Wednesday and the actual play on Thursday night and tonight (Friday) and also on Sunday night. They have done great so far and I'll post pictures of that very soon too.

  11. I really like our ornaments for our tree...things that we've been given, things we've made, things we've purchased on trips, children's 1st Christmas ornament etc...a lot of memories...I think my NEW favorite decorations are going to be the personalized stockings that I whipped up this year! :) I also love the lights & our Nativity!

    Your decorations are lovely, Jackie!

  12. You have some very meaningful decorations.

    This year I am scaling back. I have three nativity scenes out and one I didn't put out. A bunch of angels, some are out and some are still packed. I put up little trees this year and made one of them a teddy bear tree, because quite a few small bears were given to me - cute.

  13. My favorite Christmas decorations are my Precious Moments nativity set. Also my Lilliput houses that are in a village. I have a little train and other items and my kids have moved things around. Like the little Elmo lying down drinking from a tiny mug with Megan's name on's an ornament. They still like to mess with it and wait for me to notice. Some years ago I painted a plaster tree that has holes to put little red plastic flames in. There's a light underneath that makes it a lighted tree. Also has a couple of children, that are free standing, by tree. Megan painted them and the eyes look kinda dazed. Too much eggnog or hot cocoa? Our daughter-in-law, Erin, dubbed them the children of the corn and we've laughed ever since. I love your tree in a frame. I've seen those and just love them. Maybe I'll post some of my favorites as well, soon. Thanks for sharing and hugs to your family!!!


So many blogs, so little time. If you leave a comment, I'll do my best to stop by your blog for a visit. Thanks for taking the time to encourage me today! Please ask permission before taking pictures off of my blog. Thank you!