Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Santa Train

Last Saturday, we had the opportunity to ride the Santa Train for the cost of one canned food item each. Michael had drill (poor guy, seems like he always misses out on the fun stuff), but I got brave and decided to take both kids by myself. We met up with some friend of ours, Jodi, Joseph, Reese and Briella. Joseph, who was sitting across from Josiah, snapped this fantastic picture of Josiah looking out at the partially frozen river. The snow was gently falling and it was simply breathtaking. We even saw a bald eagle.

I packed a lunch for the kids and brought along some tea in a thermos. Don't you love my hubby's idea for insulating the thermos? It is the top of an old work boot. Hailey is waving at everyone as we pull out of the station.

Here we are with our dear friends. The kids seemed a bit fried that day. Josiah was the only one of the kids who really seemed to be enjoying himself. As you can see, the toddlers were tired and Briella wasn't having any of it. Despite it all, the adults had a good time and were able to catch some of the scenery between feeding kids, potty breaks and so on.

I made the mistake of trying to get a picture of the kids after the train ride. Yeah, right! As you can see candy canes and snow where much more interesting than Mom and her camera, LOL!
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  1. That is the coolest photo ever!!! Looks like fun and for the right price - Good for you, getting brave and going out sans the Hubby, not an easy thing to do!

  2. The picture your friend took of Josiah looking out the window looks professional and makes it worth having gone with cranky toddlers, snow and no hubby. Good for you, Jackie!

  3. That sounds like fun, even if the younger ones were cranky. What a great picture and it looks really good on your header.

  4. What a great day you had!

    Oh my dear.. please send that photo into some contest by either the yearly local paper (if they have one every year) or seek an agent. Oh my.. this is worth more than you imagine, if you want to open that door.

    Thanks for sharing and what a great day!


  5. Thanks you guys. I love the photo, too. I wish I could take the credite, but I'm not the one who took the picture. Our good friend, Joseph, did. Yes, Catherine, that photo alone was so worth the cranky, tired kids!

    Love to you all,

  6. Love the photo! In spite of everything, you enjoyed the outing - good for you.

  7. What a great picture. You have some wonderful memories.

  8. How fun! Loved the pics too! Especially the one of Josiah looking out the window. It is so neat!

  9. What wonderful memories you are makin' for your children. Kudos for you!

    Ya'll have a great day filled with many blessings!!!

  10. That looks like so much fun! What a great way to enjoy the snow!


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