Sunday, December 13, 2009

Our Nativities and Waiting Tree

We have a kid friendly "Little People" nativity set that has just been wonderful. They can rearrange the scene all they want and I never have to worry about them breaking anything. The only bad thing is that you never know where you're going to find the pieces. Baby Jesus can end up in the strangest places. Yes, I do brush Hailey's hair, but it always ends up looking like this, urrgh!

Here is our breakable nativity set. So far, I've only had to glue one shepherd's head back on. The stockings are precious to me, too. I bought the top two for Michael and I (before we had kids) the year 9/11 happened. When we had kids, my step mom made these because I couldn't find any to go with ours. I just love them!
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I've saved the best Christmas decoration for last. My sister made this precious Waiting Tree for us a couple of years ago. The whole thing is made out of felt, including the ornaments. There is a bible story to go with each ornament and each story leads to the birth of Christ, starting Dec. 1st. It takes you through the major bible stories of the Old Testament and then the beginning of the New Testament, with a prayer pointing to the Messiah for each day. Daddy gets to put the Star of Bethlehem on the top of the tree on Christmas Day. We do this before we open presents. It is awesome! My kids look forward to this every year. I think it really keeps our family focus on the true meaning of Christmas throughout the entire Christmas season.

OK, you guys, I've visited many of your blogs and I've yet to see a lot of your favorite Christmas decorations or trees posted. I'm waiting........What are the ways you keep Christ in Christmas?



  1. Jackie..

    thank you kindly for stopping by my blog and writing sweet words of appreciation.

    I too have now become a follower of your blog in kind. I so look forward to getting to know bloggers that are new to me.

    I see your dreams in your heart and know that if this is true, then it will be. Something that I tell my children, trust your heart as it is not yours to lead, but it leads you.

    Enjoy the week ahead and the season with open arms.


  2. No worries, Bethany's hair used to look like that all the time too. Some days it still does, LOL. I think it just means she knows how to have fun!

    Love that tree! I want to steal it from ya!

  3. Jackie-
    We have the Little People Nativity also, as our main Nativity - the little baby that visits us each week has been teething on baby Jesus this month!! Last year I waited until after Christmas and bought a "breakable" Nativity, but it's like on a stand and all one piece, way up high. Hair- We get to church this AM and my little Emma's hair was, in a headband but not combed! Love the Waiting Tree, I saw it over at Stacy's and loved it, a tutorial would be great - I love that the OT is included, it's so an important part of Jesus' - really bringing things full circle! Great job!

  4. Oliva,
    Welcome and thanks for following! Hope to get to know you better, too.

    So glad Hailey isn't the only one with hair like that.

    That kid is cuttin' his teeth on Jesus! I love it!

  5. You are very welcome! I'm so glad I made them!

  6. I think it's great...the waiting tree sounds a lot like the Jesse tree in that you go through the major Old Testament stories pertaining to the coming of the Lord Jesus...both of these are new to me this year. We have done an advent wreath and read special portions of Scripture pertaining to the Prophesies, Bethlehem, the Angels, and the Shepherds...all pointing to His wonderful first coming. You are right...the most important thing is that we keep The Lord Jesus Christ the central focus of all our celebrating...what wonderful tools to use in our devotional times with the children. Thanks for sharing Jackie!

    At least two of my favourite decorations will make it into tomorrow's post...come and see. :)


  7. Am enjoying your posts.

    I have oodles of Christmas decor but seem to not take the time I should with my camera. Maybe - if I could just get my cards done ...

  8. That is great to have a nativity that the kids can play with. Great interaction! I love the waiting tree idea too. I saw Stacie's post on it too!

  9. I love the Little People Nativity. Great family memories!

  10. OOOhh, I love the new header! That's reflection is great!

  11. Um, that is one of the most amazing pictures I have ever seen! Great header, Jack!


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