Friday, January 8, 2010

Desperate for a Scope

My son got this Nerf shotgun for Christmas from Mom and Larry. I walked into the kitchen and found this scene. Apparently he was desperate for a scope on his shotgun. I don't think they make scopes for shotguns, but I didn't tell him that, LOL.

I thought I'd throw in this picture of Hailey in all her girlie glory, wearing the apron Nana made for her with her crown and Cinderella cellphone. What else does a girl need in life?

BTW, our remodeling project is going well. We've just got one more wall to paint and some trim to put up. As soon as we get our home back in some kind of order, I'll post before and after pictures. Here's to cleaning every inch of the house by myself! Not my thing, but it probably needed anyway. Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

God Bless,
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  1. Does he really need the ear protection for a nerf gun? I mean, does it make noise, or are the protectors for effect? They are both way too cute!!!

  2. Michael makes them wear ear protection when target practicing. Old habits are hard to break, I guess, LOL.

  3. What great pics of your kids Jackie! I love the way your boy took care of things in the kitchen!! How funny is that?? :)

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  4. Oh the picture of your son is priceless!! Love it! And of course your daughter is just as precious as ever.
    Happy Friday my friend.

  5. That picture of Josiah with the binoculars and his nerf shot gun is so great! How creative is he!!!!

  6. Good boy for always using hearing protection!! And how funny is the binoculars as scope. LOL.

    Hailey is so totally in the theme with the crown, apron and cell phone. Too sweet.

  7. I love the picture of Josiah and his scoped nerf gun. Too funny and so incredibly smart!!! Thanks for sharing!!!

  8. Love the scope! Also, I can picture Hailey and Jess talking to each other on thier "princess cells"!

    I hope you get all that dust cleaned up!

  9. I love how creative kids can get!

    Can't wait to see what you've done with your house. I wish Yohn and I knew what we were doing cuz' our place needs some repair.

  10. Great pics of the children! Fun to see their little minds at work. Good luck with the remodeling - it always gets worse before it gets better so keep hanging in!

  11. Oh My gosh, I love it. You know the best thing about this picture is it shows the creativity he has. Something that a lot of children in this day and age miss out on.



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