Thursday, January 7, 2010

Recipe for 100% Whole Wheat Bread Machine Dough for French Bread/Hoagie Buns/Hamburger Buns

Recently I began making my own French bread, Hoagie and hamburger buns out of a single bread machine recipe. As with most of my recipes, it is super easy and healthy. You can do this, too! I'm saving so much money by making my own, and it is healthier than the buns you can buy at a health food store. They all freeze very nicely, too. So make a lot at once. If you don't have a bread machine, I'm sure this recipe could easily be made in a mixer.

100% Whole Wheat Bread Machine Dough Recipe (2 lbs):

1 Egg, room temp
1 + 1/3 cups luke warm water
1/4 olive oil
1/4 cup honey or sucanat
2 tsp sea salt
4 cups whole wheat bread flour
2 tsp gluten (add more if bread comes out flat)
2 + 1/4 tsp active dry yeast or 1 + 1/2 tsp bread machine or quick rise yeast

Turn on your bread machine's dough cycle. When done, form your dough into French bread, Hoagie buns, or hamburger bun shapes. Place in a well greased pan with space around each bun. For French bread, I use a special pan as you can see from the picture above. For Hoagie and hamburger buns, I just put them in casserol dishes. I usually raise the dough in a warm oven. After dough has doubled in size, I turn oven on to bake setting (not pre-heat) at 400 degrees F. It takes about 20 minutes for my breads to bake in my oven from the moment I turn the oven on. Your oven may be different, so just play around with it. If it is too doughy, then cook it for a minute or two longer. I've found that with whole wheat products, you don't want to over-cook, because things turn out really dry. If you find that the tops are burning before the rest of the bread is done, then simply lay a loose sheet of tin foil on top of your buns or dough. After the loaves/buns come out of the oven, I like to brush them with olive oil or butter to help soften up the crust a bit and add a little moisture.
Homemade Hoagie buns.

Homemade hamburger buns.

If you have any questions, please leave a comment!

God Bless,
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  1. Those loaves look soooo good! I really want to learn more about making bread for KyKy (gluten free), so I'm up for any tips you have time to share on what kind of machine to find and such. I don't know anything about bread machines!

  2. AWESOME! I should do this! Could I just use my ww bread recipe (for bread machine) for ALL of these? My is as follows:

    1 2/3 cups room temp water
    2 tsps salt
    2 tbls butter
    1/3 cup b. sugar (I use honey)
    4 2/3 cup ww flour
    3 tsps bread machine yeast

    If I just made up that dough, could I just form it into those different buns, rolls,etc? Or do you need to use this specific recipe to have them hold up or turn out??? :)

    They look SOOOOO delicious! I just love homemade bread! I recently found an Amish store near me where I purchased 50lbs of ww flour for $15!!!! Isn't that amazing?!

    Thanks for sharing!


  3. Jessica,
    I think all bread machines are pretty interchangable - recipe-wise. I don't know anything about gluten-free baking, but my bread machine recipe book does have some gluten-free recipes, so any bread machine you get should have some recipes included in it. Just make sure that when you do buy one, it has 2 lb capacity. Also, my sis buys bread machines at yard sales all the time for dirt cheap and she says they all work the same.

    Yes! Your basic ww dough recipe should do the same thing, although you may need to use some gluten to get it to raise. Let me know if your's works. Great deal on the flour!

  4. You hooked me at Hoagie Buns, lol. This is great. I recently got a bread machine for $20 at a rummage sale and I've been looking for a recipe like this.



  5. Am going to try this. I knew that gluten really helps - have been using it for sometime with a 100% wheat bread I really love.

  6. I'm back - isn't it the egg in this recipe that would make the bread more like French bread? Or a Hoagie Bun? Not just regular wheat bread?

  7. Connie,
    I use this same recipe (only reduced ingredients for a 1 lb loaf) for my regular bread that I cook right in the bread machine. I just like to use the 1 lb loaf for my regular bread because it seems a lot lighter when you cook it in the bread machine.

  8. Mmmm.... Looks good! Too bad I'm not much of a baker and don't own a bread machine.

  9. I don't have a bread machine. I gave mine to my lovely DIL because I love gettin' my hands in the stuff. I love baking breads and buns. I'm gonna try your recipe.

    Nothing' warms a home like the smell of bread baking. Have a blessed day ya'll!!!

  10. I was just telling Pickles this morning that I wanted to purchase or beg from a local retail who has an original 'starter' from San Fran.. and I would so love to start baking bread again.

    Thanks for sharing this recipe and your lovely life my dear!

    with love,


  11. Good night nurse! That stuff looks so good. My bread is wonderful, but I never do anything but make bread in my machine...probably because it is so non-labor intensive.

  12. Cat,
    One of the reasons I decided to start making bread was because I had yours and it was so yummy. Thanks for inspiring me!

  13. They look good, Jack! Our recipe looks really similar. I haven't tried hamburger buns though.

    Don't you love that French bread pan?

  14. I love the dough setting on the bread machine! No mess, take it out,shape it, raise it and bake it! Sourdough dark rye is in right now.

  15. Stace,
    I love the French bread pan! So glad you talked me into getting one.

  16. Yum! I have a bread machine too! I love using it and my kids love it too. Although, I have never attempted hamburger buns though. :)

  17. It's so fun to see what other people are doing. I have been a SAHM for almost a year now and have been trying to become more of a do-it-yourselfer on so many things. I love to make homemade breads and will try this one too. Great job and keep it going. I enjoy seeing what your family is up to. It is so encouraging. Thank you.

  18. These look delicious. I do not have any gluten on hand so am thinking I may try this recipe without it. I just made my first bread this past week. I made whole wheat bread and hamburger rolls. They were delicious, but the rolls were thicker and heavier than I would have liked. Do you know if it will work without the gluten?

  19. Theresa,
    Yes, you don't necessarily need to add gluten, but you will get very dense bread. The reason why you need to add gluten to a 100% whole wheat bread machine dough is because the gluten doesn't have time to break down properly in a bread machine. The recipe I'm using calls for 2 Tbl of gluten, I cut it down to 2 tsp and I've had good results. Hope that helps!

  20. YUM! I do not have a bread machine. Can I use the recipe still? What changes would I have to make? I love your blog. Keep it up!!

  21. Jeanne,
    I don't see why this same recipe wouldn't work without the bread machine. In fact, you should be able to omit the gluten since you could knead it longer by hand or using a dough hook if you've got Kitchen Aid.

    Thanks for the compliments on my blog!


  22. Thank you for this 100% ww recipe. I am making these buns for the second time today. My kids love them! I have added a little more gluten today as the buns didn't double in size. They didn't seem too heavy, however, but I'm experimenting as I haven't used gluten before this.

  23. Anonymous,
    So glad you are liking this recipe! I just made hamburger buns today and they turned out great. So glad you thought to adjust the gluten. I really think it depends on what type of whole wheat you are using. I'm saving so much money on buns and these are much better for my family.

    Have a great day!

  24. This bread was fabulous! I used my bread machine and made two loaves using 75% whole wheat flour and 25% spelt flour. My two toddlers even tore it up. We ate half a loaf and froze the rest. It was moist and oh-so wonderful. Thank you so much for this recipe!

  25. Thanks so much for the 100% whole wheat recipe. We got a huge snow storm and could not get to town to get French bread for French bread pizza. Prefer whole wheat any way (I grind my own wheat). This worked perfect!

  26. Thank you so much for this recipe! I found it a few months ago, but finally tried it tonight. The house smelled like a delicious bakery of course, and everyone, down to the toddler, gobbled these right up with our burgers!

    A few notes for anyone interested...
    I used 4 c. White Wheat Flour, minus 2 T., then used 2 T. + 2 t. Vital Wheat Gluten. They rose beautifully, I got 12 nice size hamburger buns, and the 20 min. bake time was perfect, I love that preheat trick!

    Thank you again so much, this is going to be my go to recipe! With buns at $3/8 pk (on sale even!), something had to be done! :)

  27. I made hamburger buns this week and saved lots of money, plus they are just so much healthier for you. So glad this recipe worked for you, Laura :)


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