Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Homemade "Comet" (non-abrasive cleaner)

 I hope you're in the mood to clean your bathroom today! As promised, here is another one of the easy "recipes" I learned to make at the natural cleaner workshop I went to a couple of weeks ago. This recipe involves only two ingredients, one of which I know you have on hand! If you haven't bough borax yet, I would encourage you to do so. Borax is an amazing cleaner that oxidizes stains. You should be able to find it somewhere in the laundry aisle. This is a non-abrasive cleaner and works wonderfully on tubs, sinks, tiles, toilets, stainless steel, ect... The gal, Mary, who taught the class said she has extremely hard water and said this stuff does the trick.

Homemade "Comet" Natural Cleaning Recipe:

1 cup Baking Soda
1/4 cup Borax

Mix together and store in a sugar shaker for easier sprinkling. How's that for easy? Hope you are now motivated go clean your bathroom! I better take my own advice and start on my tub today. My next cleaning post will be on how to make your own dishwasher soap. So stay tuned...

Have an awesome day!

God Bless,

Update: I just cleaned my tub and I had some really tough hard water stains that came out. I wetted the area down, sprinkled it with the "comet" mixture and let it sit for 10 minutes. I came back and using a Scotch pad and some elbow grease, I was able to get it all off. My tub has never looked this good! I also used it on my plastic sink and the chrome in my sink. Worked great!


  1. I am putting borax on my grocery list for today. thanks. I am very interested in the home made dishwasher soap.

  2. I may just have to try it...I am up for anything that will clean better, for a cheaper price.

  3. I'll have to try this. We have lots of lime deposits in our water.

  4. I have been searching for a good solution to pee stains. They are orange and hard as a rock and build up in the joints of the toilet seat. I've used knifes, toothbrushes, etc. but I'd like to find a cleaner that would take care of this. Any suggestions?

    I'm very much looking forward to the dishwashing soap! I'm a little obsessed about chemicals on our dishes, so I always do a second rinse. Maybe a natural cleaner would save me from having to do this.

  5. Rachel,
    I think a little bit of this on a wet tooth brush would work good. Rub it on and then let it sit for 10 minutes. The scrub it off with the toothbrush. I've got the same problem and I'll think I'll try that today. I bet it'll work. Yes, I was the most excited about the dishwasher soap, too!

  6. THIS! is something I'm making today. Fortunately for me I've hired a cleaning girl for one hour a week to clean my bathrooms and mop the kitchen. I'll make this for her!!! She'll be so excited, I know.

  7. I have been using the soda by itself. Found it does great on so many areas I do not want scratches - especially tea stains in mugs. Will try the borax. Thanks.

    I'm wondering if Rachel has a build up of rust stains and not urine stains?

  8. That is awesome. Do you have the recipe for homemade laundry soap too?

  9. Thanks for sharing these recipes, I'm going to begin switching over, the children clean the bathroom, I've wanted more natural cleaning products for them to use, commercial all purpose cleaners just wreak with chemical smell, that can't be good for any of us.

  10. OMGosh, I went to Nationals 3 years in Break-away roping! I found someone who loves it besides me. Some think I am crazy! LOL in fact, Lib and I were the first girls team to make it in team roping in the HS rodeo association. We went to Sulfer, LA and actually placed in one of the go's. I was the State HS break aways champion in '77 and went to Helena Montana to the finals! This tells you how old I am. Then with my daughter, she is a natural barrel racer, these girls (sister) lover her and she rides so well, won 3 saddles last year, (one off each girl) she won the 1D, 2D and 3D!

    We have to keep in touch! I want to add your blog to my sidebar so I can see you often! :)

  11. I'm looking forward to trying this. We go through Comet around here like crazy!

  12. I have to add this, my parents once visited the borax mine fields in California, and brought back all kinds of info- and these cool little polished pieces of borax called 'tv' rocks, as they magnified words as you move the little rock over them. It's a very useful substance, God really knows what He is doing!!

  13. In the last several months I've really gotten into the homemade cleaners. I've been making our own laundry detergent and it's been working wonderfully!! It is so much cheaper and truly lasts a very long time! Going to give this homemade Comet a try very soon..(just cleaned my tub yesterday!)

  14. Yes, I have a recipe for laundry soap that I will be sharing as well. It's a good one! It also a great stain remover when rubbed on full strength with a tooth brush.

    That could be rust build up. I used the "comet" on the toilets with a tooth brush and it all the pee stains came off. Gotta love boys!

    I'm so jealous!

  15. I finally made this and it worked well. I just re-read your post and realized you let it sit for about 10 minutes for those nasty stains. Weill try that next time. Thanks Jackie! Making the dishwashing soap next!

  16. This works awesomely too! I used it on (what I thought was) a clean bathtub. I couldn't believe that it was getting more dirt off.

    I also use it in my toilet daily, and the thing is sooooo sparkly now. No bad chemical smells.

    Thank you for all these great ideas!!!

  17. Thank you for sharing this. I made this concoction tonight and used it on my bath tub. I waited ten minutes like you said and the results were amazing. I was pleasantly surprised when after a little elbow grease, the tub looked like it did when I would use store bought harsh chemicals (then later bathe in the same tub,ewww). Once again thanks for the post. This was my first time visiting, but I'll be sure to look at other posts on your site.

  18. Another great option is Bon Ami - Only 94 cents at Target! http://www.harmlesshome.com/2013/08/one-simple-switch.html

  19. I use a lot of homemade products including laundry soap, and bathroon cleaner. Will have to try this also. Love the other products, and cheap to make.

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