Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Tight Budget Redecorating

I thought I'd share with you some of the redecorating I've been doing in my house simply by using what I already had or buying one new decorating item and rearranging things to bring out a whole new look. The rooms in our house are pretty small, so their isn't a lot of wiggle room, but I'm really trying to achieve a bit of a classier look. I wish I would have taken some before and after pictures of this, but I forgot to. So this is the corner of our small master bedroom. I bought this cute hamper (I was using a rubbermaid waste bin), but I didn't have room for it, so I moved the dressers around and came up with this look (these are actually two dressers shoved together and I think it makes it look like one big dresser, which gave me a lot more space. I was also able add my grandmother's painting to the wall on the right and a few of my other grandmother's antique knick knacks. I got that mirror at a yardsale for $5. Love it!Michael's family is very patriotic and has a long history of serving in all the American wars. We decided to put together a military picture grouping for one wall, centered around the shadow box containing Michael's father's casket flag and military medals (Michael's dad served in the Korean War as a Marine and received a Purple Heart for a horrible wound he received in his knee). He died when Michael was 10 years old of cancer. That is his picture on the bottom left. I think he looks a lot like Michael. We also have a picture of Michael's brother, Nathan, who just got back from his 3rd tour in to Iraq. Welcome home, Nathan! Michael's picture is in the middle of the bottom row. I'm super happy with this picture grouping!

This is what I'm really excited to show you all. A friend of mine who is in design school came over and gave me advice on what to do with my mantle. It all started with this adorable carnival glass candy dish that my mom and step-dad gave me for a graduation present. I love the blues in it. I brought in the pottery cups made by a local artist. These were given to us by my friend, Brenda. I had this cool vase that I always use for fresh tulips, but I decided to use it for my mantle. I went to Walmart and got the flowers and twiggery and the pretty stones. I've only done one other fake flower arrangement in my life, but I was pretty happy with the results of this one. The best part is that this arrangement hides the ugly tv cord. Mission accomplished! Someday I'd like to put a mantle clock on here.
One of my hallway picture groupings was making my sister twitch (sorry, Stace!), so my friend helped me come up with this new arrangement which I think looks way better. I love my family pictures and I just can't be without them even if it looks tacky. The picture groupings help a lot, I hope. I don't have a picture, but I also confined most of my swords into one room. So now the dining room is my sword room. Sounds weird, I know, but I think it worked pretty well. Love all my historical swords and can't be without them.

Michael put the last piece of trim up on our pass-through. It sure is nice being able to work in the kitchen and keep an eye on Josiah while he's homeschooling. Can you tell I'm a major multi-tasker? Now I'm ready to paint the rest of the kitchen, bedroom, dining room, living room and Josiah's room. Just waiting on the funds and my husband to recoop from the last project ;)  I'm throwing in a picture of our bed. I achieved this whole look for less than $100, that was including a new bedspread and pillows. Thanks to Ross!  The mirror was my grandma's. It isn't a new arrangement or anything. I did this 4 years ago as a surprise for my hubby when he came home on his 2 week leave from when he was deployed to Iraq. I still love it, but I definitely can't wait repaint the room.

Have and awesome day!



  1. You are very talented! I have NO design skills whatsoever. At all. We've never really ever "decorated" our bedroom even, just have the things we need (bed,dresser,bookshelves). I've always focused on making my kids' rooms delightful, but someday I hope to make the rest of the spaces I spend time in more delightful as well! Your place looks great!

  2. Jessica,
    You are such a great bargian hunter, that I bet you could easily find some inexpensive ways to spruce up your house. I've always been terrified of painting anything other than white and of rearranging furniture. I'm coming into the light and I'm loving it! I praise God for friends who are helping to give me ideas.

  3. Okay, I am crying. The display of Micheal's father is touching. And boy, what a history! Josiah is destined for service- maybe he will be our President.

    I have really been wanting to "decorate" my home. I seasonal/holiday decorate like crazy, but in-between it is just plain and drab and minimal. I really need to start collecting things I love. (And DUH- we have a thrift store!)

    I can't wait to read that book! It sounds right up my alley.

  4. Dear Jackie ~

    You've done a great job of everything. I really like the patriotic picture grouping ~ how sad that Michael lost his Dad at such a young age!

    Your hallway pictures look great grouped together nice to have all those photos ~ I think it makes a home more "homey".

    Well done for sticking to the budget! You are doing great.

    Have a lovely day!

  5. Everything looks great, Jack! Can't wait to see it in person.

  6. Jackie,

    You've done a wonderful job. I love to rearrange things too. It doesn't cost anything to do that and it gives me the satisfaction of a whole new look! I am totally a bargain hunter too. I already have a list of furniture I want moved when my dh gets home. But, I am definitely going to let him settle in first!

  7. You did a great job. I do not have the eyes to get something this pretty. Thanks for sharing. You've actually inspired me to try. LOL


  8. Aw, I love this post! You did a great job and Love your new decor!

    Yes, I agree, not many people know what Break-away roping is, so I guess that makes us special! :)

  9. I love moving around furniture for a new look.

    Love what you did to the place.

  10. You did a great job! How fun. I'm not all that good at that stuff myself so I doubt you'll ever see pictures of me doing it, BUT maybe one day I'll actually feel confident enough to give a go, you never know.

  11. Very looks so great. Love that mirror. I have been doing some cheap redecorating too....going to my moms and taking stuff she doesn't want. :)

  12. As the Russian-Americans say, "I am very much liking it!"

  13. Love your bed decor. It is beautiful. You decorate very beautifully!

  14. Cover up girl, your creativity is showin'!!! It's amazing what one can do with just a little money and a lot of ingenuity. Kudos to you my friend, your home looks great.

    Ya'll have a beautiful day heaped full of blessings from above!!!

  15. I like it, it's so good to add beauty to our lives. I'm working on my white dining room curtains. WHITE!! I want contrast in this man cave! Tie backs are going to be red ribbons though. I love color too.

  16. I have some bloggy love for you over at my place. :)

  17. I love your touches to your house. Good job and for inspiration. I'm on the organizing kick this year. Am starting with my family room and then bedroom. I love your bedroom idea with two dressers together. We've had ours the same for 20 years and I've thought about moving them against a wall that has no windows. Take care!! Happy thoughts!!

  18. Love what you did. I so love the bedroom. That mirror is just too precious.

    I was painting Trim,,that needed to get done, that I've been procrastinating over..I got half of it done..and it definitely felt good. We have been doing a lot of remodeling around here. Funny that hubby has been out of work for 17 months and we have accomplished more NOW than when he was working and bringing in HUGE amounts of money (and I used to obsess that we couldn't afford to remodel). God definitely DOES provide and meet all our needs.


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