Monday, February 1, 2010

Productive Weekend of Scrapbooking

I got just got back from 3 days of scrapbooking bliss. My sister and I left the kidlets (except Lily - she's still nursing) with our husbands and met at my mom's house for a wonderfully productive weekend of scrapbooking. We try to do this twice a year. I seem to stay caught up if I can manage to go to two scrapbook camps each year. The thing I look forward to the most isn't the scrapbooking necessarily, but uninterrupted conversation with my sister and mom. These are rare moments indeed. We usually have 8 children (between us) who are needing our attention. We can leave all of our scrapbooking stuff out the whole three days. I snapped this picture of Lily Pie. She was an absolute darling and did so well. This used to be Hailey's outfit. I found it at a second hand store. So glad to see it again on Lily.Stacie was able to get a lot done even with her "baby handicap". Her pile is on the left. Mine is on the right. I did 80 pages (minus journaling - always like to do that later on my computer at home), but by golly, I got through my picture pile. It is always overwhelming when I first start. I promised myself I wouldn't get overwhelmed this time and just take it one page at time. With this attitude, I managed to get all my pictures scrapped by the end of the weekend. Josiah wanted to take a family picture when I got home last night. Can you tell I was absolutely exhausted? Poor Michael. Hailey got sick this weekend, so he had to deal with a sicky. She's feeling much better now, but still hasn't got much of a voice. He did a great job of taking care of her. The kids kind of hurt my feelings though because they all gave me a casual "hi Mom" when I walked in the door. Michael can be gone for 9 hours and they freak when he shows up. I'm gone for 3 days and they could care less. I just want to say, "Hello, I gave birth to you people!" LOL! Oh well, they must have had fun with their dad, so that is a good thing. Hope you all had an awesome weekend. I look forward to catching up with your blogs some time this week.



  1. Wow you really did get a lot done! It takes me almost an hour per layout (2 pages)...sad but true! I ordered the rest of the pictures I need so I am hoping to be finished soon! Looks like a fun weekend, glad you enjoyed it!

  2. I have to buy trthitiisthe book already and I just put the pictures in. I am no good at this. Maybe if this had been a fad when I had my 1st kids (44 ) years ago. But this bunch gets ready made. Trey did like the one I made him for Christmas, it had pictures of him in it. He loves to look at himself.LOL Aunt Cookie

  3. I saw this on Staci's blog as well! GREAT JOB!!! I have a hankerin' to do this myself!!! :)

  4. how very blessed you are to have a sister! how fun you all got to get together and get a lot accomplished!

    I asked Hannah- who are these people? and she said "acie" and I said point to her. It took her a few moments to figure it out, but she picked right.

  5. You got A LOT done! I am "way" behind on my pictures.
    Blessings, andrea

  6. Way behind on scrapbooking does not describe where I am at. My friends and I try to get together once a month but that does not always work out. We get about 3 - 4hours but in that time frame I only usually get 6 - 8 pages done. I'm slow, what can I say. I think it's neat you can do so many at one time. Do you buy your albums afterward, once you know how many pages/space you need?

  7. I'm so glad for your girls! I prayed for you all weekend long, wondered how you were doing, thought of calling and interrupting, but thought better of it. Great work!

  8. Wow that was productive. I am jealous. I only got 52 done in a weekend. Great job. I know what you mean about walking in and getting the casual "hi" I hate that. LOL

  9. Check my comments on Staci's blog!! Very productive. I like how you just do the pages and pile them up, that must speed up production alot. Taking the time and space to bring books and then place the pages does slow me down. Great job!

  10. I'm so glad I was there for you in many ways. God had everything planned. You are a joy and delight to me, Jackie! I thank God for a sister like you. My best friend does not even begin to describe you. You are truly my other half (on the earth). God knew we needed each other, that is why He made us twins. Blessings, sweet, Sis!

  11. What a great idea to do a "scrapbook camp"! AND I am so impressed with how much you got done!! Oh, and don't feel badly about the casual welcome from the children ~ it is because you are ALWAYS there that they KNOW you will be ALWAYS there and it is not a surprise to them to see you come back. It was EXPECTED. :)

    Have a lovely week my friend.

  12. fun!!! Love scrapbooking. Just never seem to find the time these days. I do go to a scrapbook club once a month mommy time out.

  13. Jackie,

    Incredible! I haven't done that many pages in the last three years!!! I am totally behind! And as far as the children... I know exactly what you feel like! They send all kinds of notes to Daddy, but rarely write them to me. But, it is because I am their constant. Children don't rationalize that though. They learn as they mature to be more appreciative of those so consistent in their lives. It is just now that my 13 year old spontaneously tells me how much I mean to her. I didn't appreciate my mother nearly like I do now when I was a little child. When my children do that to me, I often think about how much I don't appreciate the God who is always there for me like I should. It is a sobering thought. Congratulations on accomplishing so much, in so little time...and something that will be treasured for years to come. You are building memories for your children!

  14. Thanks for your sweet comments everyone!

    Sometimes I buy my albums ahead of time, sometimes I don't. I'm an assembly line scrapbooker that is why I'm able to get so much done. I figure I can do the journaling anytime, since most of it is written in my blog. I make it my goal to have the journaling done by then next scrapbook camp. This system has really worked for me, since I take so many pictures! Also, I split my pages up between albums. I have albums for each of my children (two a piece so far), a yearly family album and one for Michael's family and my family. Now, I'm in a quandry as what to do with all these albums. But I figure it is better than having them all in a shoe box on on the computer.

  15. It sounds like you had a great time. It is enjoyable to get together with my sister and mom without our kids too. I hate the caual Hi from the kids after I have been gone for awhile too. What is up with that? Like you said we gave birth to them. :)


So many blogs, so little time. If you leave a comment, I'll do my best to stop by your blog for a visit. Thanks for taking the time to encourage me today! Please ask permission before taking pictures off of my blog. Thank you!