Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Visit from Nana and Papa/Remodeling Progress

Wow, has it been busy around here! Between swim lessons, homeschooling, MOPS activities, having company, regular house/yard work and remodeling, I haven't had much computer time lately. I thought I'd do a catch up post. Last weekend we were so excited to have my parents (Nana and Papa) come to visit. We enjoyed every minute of our visit. They helped us with the kids and our remodel project. We also had a chance to go yard saling, but it turned out cold and rainy, so not much luck there. My dad got a few items he was looking for, so that made it worth venturing out. 

When my parents got here Friday night, Michael had promised the kids they could help with the painting. I seriously had to leave the room. Good thing we aren't keeping the carpet that is all I have to say, LOL! They had it strung everywhere, but boy where they having a good time.   

See what I mean? This is on our kitchen floor. Michael or my step-mom cleaned it up before I freaked, LOL. Somebody snapped this picture for me.

Diana was a big help with edging while Michael put on the first coat of paint over the newly textured drywall. You can see my dad supervising from the couch, LOL.

Hailey, Miss Snuggles, got to do lots of snuggling with Nana and Papa. She is fascinated with his long mustache and loves to twirl it between her fingers. Who wouldn't be? That thing is huge!

Nana read stories to Josiah and also listened to him read. She played Legos with him, which is totally his love language and something I'm not good about just sitting and doing. That is what grandparents are for, right? ;) Thanks, Nana!

After yard saling Saturday morning, my dad helped Michael pour the cement for our new front porch. This was a big job and I was so grateful that he was able to help Michael with this project. Thanks, Dad!

Oh, the temptation of wet concrete! Saturday night we put on the second coat of paint inside. Love the color "Golden Ecru"!

On Sunday, Michael built some temporary steps so we could use the front door again. Yeah! After church, Michael and I took turns going for motorcycle ride. It was wonderful just to get away from everything and ride by myself for a couple hours.

Sunday night, I helped hold boards while Michael measured, cut and attached them to the ceiling. We put these up to hold the bead board in place. My arms were getting tired, so I was using a step ladder and my head to hold the boards up. Whatever works, right! I guess I need to work on my upper arm strength. Next, we'll start painting bead board and attaching it to the ceiling. This is going to be much more difficult that I thought, but we're committed now. 

Well, that is about it. I'm hoping I'll have a chance to catch up on all your blogs during the next couple of days.  

Blessings On Each Of You,


  1. Jackie,

    The end is in sight. See the light in the tunnel now? No, it's not a train, you're almost at the end of your remodeling project and every step closer towards completing it, it one step closer to enjoying the fruits of all your labor. WOW what a project.

    Love and Hugs ~ Kat

  2. Looking good! I bet getting away to ride for a bit did you some good.

  3. Phew, I'm tired just reading that. You guys are working your tails off with the re-model. It is looking good! I love floor! Thanks so much for putting pictures up of it all.

  4. Wow - you guys have made a lot of progress. I laughed at the picture of Hailey twirling her Papa's moustache. Too cute.

  5. The pictures make me tired! I have been there and done that. In the end it is so worth it, but whew ... the in between stuff can wear one out. You will make it.

  6. Too funny Jackie ~ I was visiting you here and you were over at "my place"! :) Hang in there...the end is in sight and it's all looking wonderful!! Catch the rest when you can and yes, even enjoy the will not always be this way! AND it will all be worth it in the end.


  7. Your remodelling is looking amazing guys are sure working hard at it!

    I love the photograph of Hailey twirling her grandfathers moustache between her fingers! That was definitely a laugh out loud moment! :)

    Thank you for sharing your photo's and keeping us all updated on your progress!

    God Bless

  8. life can be hectic but i try to enjoyn every minute. Don't think i could have been able to handle the kids with paint either.

  9. You are wonderful parents and seem to tag-team your specialties with them! It's especially helpful with parents can help out too. I can hardly wait to see what in the world you place will look like when finished!

  10. How exciting! Tell Nana and Papa we send warm Hello to them, too.

    Looking forward to 'finished' pictures.

    And, I keep meaning to tell you that I love that photo in your blog header.

  11. Are those tiny little footprints in the paint? so cute! Your house looks great!

  12. What would we do without family? Just think of how much closer to the end of your remodel than you were a month ago. The bike ride sounds pleasant. There is nothing like sunshine and fresh air. Have a great day.

  13. Lookin' good! Glad there's all kinds of hands around to help you out. I wouldn't have been too happy about the footprints on the floor either. Thankfully you didn't have to see it firsthand.

  14. Susan,
    Yep those really are paint foot prints on my wood floor in the kitchen. I was on my hands and knees yesterday scraping "misses" with my fingernail.

  15. It looks like you are making a lot of progress. Love the pictures of the kids painting and the one of Hailey twirling her grandpas's mustache. So cute!!

  16. Wow Jackie...I cannot believe all that you are doing around the house. Amazing. Love that you had extra helpers. I love to yard sale. FUN
    Having a giveaway today stop by.

  17. Love to see some more progress being made. It looks so much bigger (so does Dad's mustache!).

    I couldn't handle the kids painting either! You did good letting it go.


  18. How exciting to do remodeling. If it were up to me we wouldn't have carpet. It sounds like allot of fun to be able to ride a motorcycle but I'm too much of a chicken to want to ride by myself apart from the fact that I don't have a motorcycle license.

    Have a wonderful day!

  19. Wow - remodeling with little ones is tough... looks like you are almost there.

  20. The end result is always worth the effort but I feel for you. I have held many a board with my head. We remodeled our first home and built the second one from the ground up ourselves.

  21. Teaching your kids on how to repair foundation is a good start. It also adds deep bonding to the whole family and good family memories as well.

    Later on, they will know the technicalities of foundation repair cost. Who knows, they will be our country's future architect and engineers!!

    Nice Blog!

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