Saturday, May 1, 2010

Bluebells and Cockle Shells

I was watching my daughter water the newly replanted lawn in our backyard during one of our few and far between nice spring days. She was so darn cute, I just had to do an impromptu photo session with her. I have a really stinky camera, but despite that, I think I got a few that really captured the essence of Hailey. I think she's turning into such a pretty little girl, especially now that her hair is long enough to do something with it. It is still crazy wild woman hair, but at least it looks like I made an attempt to do something with it. Hope you enjoy these pictures.Oh and my tulips and giant hyacinths are finally in full bloom. I love this tulip. It is called "Red Riding Hood". It is a double tulip and I think it is gorgeous. As for hyacinth, I adore the smell.

Hope you are all having a wonderful weekend.

God Bless,


  1. She is absolutely beautiful and that hair is just gorgeous. The color is fabulous!

  2. Her hair looks cute. Probably the cutest I've ever seen it look!

    I'm so glad your tulips are finally in bloom.

    Can't wait for that shirt to be passed down.

  3. Look out world, here she comes! She is way darling, Jackie! And your flowers are lovely. We still get snow, but it is less and less.

  4. Your little girl is adorable...such precious memories you are making these days! ENJOY!! I *love* the smell of hyacinth too...they are SO pretty!

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  5. She is beautiful!!! I love that hair. My hubby was a redhead as a child. I was hoping for redheads. Oh well!!

    Have a wonderful day.

  6. Oh Jackie! Those pictures are beautiful!! I am smiling from ear to ear.

  7. She looks beautiful! one of those pictures she really looked like Jessica.Good job candy

  8. Awwww.... so sweet! I especially like the third one!

  9. Hailey is so cute and growing up so! Thanks for sharing! :0)

  10. You are right. She is beautiful. She has the most lovely hair color. And I just love the flowers!


  11. So sweet! I also love the color. Glad you are enjoying your beautiful flowers.

  12. She has the most beautiful color of hair. What sweet pictures!

  13. Beautiful little one ~ a blessing from God. Have a great day.

  14. I still love these cutie patootie photos of Hailey! She is so precious!! And tell her thanks for feeding my "fish"! hehe!

  15. Your daughter is adorable!!! Great pics...thanks for sharing! Candace

  16. Oh my goodness! She is so absolutely adorable! I posted the other day with Jacob watering too!! Kids love to play with water for sure! :)


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