Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Mother's Day Weekend

This year for Mother's Day, I decided instead of getting upset and angry that my husband doesn't do anything for me, I was going to make it easy on him and let him know exactly what I expected. If I don't start training him and the kids now, they'll never know how important it is to me. I gave him fair warning and told him that I wasn't going to be cooking, cleaning or doing dishes on Mother's Day. It worked! He and the kids made a French toast breakfast Sunday morning and for dinner they took me out to a Chinese restaurant (not my hubby's favorite, but he knows I love Chinese food). Right after church I rode over the mountain (50 miles) and surprised my mom, grandma and aunt by joining them for a Mother's Day brunch at my grandma's assisted living home. We had a wonderful time. This picture shows three generations of lady bikers. I took my time coming home on the back roads. It was a gorgeous day to ride.   The other request I made of Michael was to have the kids make me a card. Josiah made me the heart card during Sunday School. It is so cute! It says, "I like her because she makes good food and wraps exciting presents and knows my favorite cake. I love you MOM". It was precious! Hailey and Michael wrote their messages on a 12 x 12 piece of orange paper. Michael's said, "O, how I love you Sweet Pea. Hope your day is what you wanted. Love, Michael". Hailey's said, "I love you Mom, Hailey". I was very happy.Oh, I forgot to mention that I went to a local nursery and picked out 6 beautiful perennials for my flower bed since I lost a bunch of plants over the winter. This was one of the flowers I picked out and I can't remember the name. Can anyone tell me what this flower is called? I really like to know what the names of my flowers are. I made the kids help me plant them when we got home. Here is my front flower bed. Not a lot in bloom yet, but in June it'll be in it's full glory. I like my flowerbeds crowded so I don't have to weed much.The turnips, lettuce, peas and radishes are all growing in my garden finally. Something is eating my turnips, but I think they'll make it still. I was wondering if I should thin my radishes (pictured above) out. They seem really crowded together. Is that OK?Finally, yesterday, I went in for a color and cut. I decided on more blonde streaks, and shorter, layered hair. I like it so much better than the long, stringy, straight as board hair I had before.

Well, that is about it. Things have been crazy busy around here as usual. The remodeling has been going well in some aspects and not so well in others. Pray for us, please!

Thanks to all who commented on my last post. You guys are awesome! Thanks for your prayers regarding our marriage. I prayed for each of you who shared your struggles as well. 

God Bless,


  1. Happy Mother's Day to you, sounds like a nice day for you, doing some things to clear and free your mind, surprising your momma was probably pretty fun too. At first my Hubby would fret about a Mother's Day gift, he'd usually go buy something we couldn't afford- I finally shared with him, how much that bothered me, that in the name of a "hallmark holiday" our debt was increasing; I don't expect anything, anymore. What ever way the children choose to bless me, whether that be with hugs, dandelion bouquets and made cards or with a bought gift, that they scraped their pennies together for- I'm good. The best thing they do is just let me do what I want, scrap, sew, nap... and no cooking, cleaning or dishes for me on that day either!

  2. Glad you had a wonderful Mother's Day! It sounds like it was great. (We had a pretty day and went on a bike ride as a family here, too. Different kind of bike :), but enjoyed the weather none the less.) :)
    By the way, the flowers are beautiful and enjoyed seeing how your garden is coming along.
    Always enjoy your posts.
    In His love,

  3. Happy Belated Mothers Day to you. What a blessings you must have been when you surprised Grandma and the rest of the family.

    PS: Sitka has an award for you on All Gods Creatures.

  4. I love that you were able to voice exactly what you expected and your family was able to fulfill your wishes. Good for you!!

    Happy Belated Mother's Day -- you look so pretty in the bottom picture. LOVE your hair!

  5. Jackie, you and I are alike in a lot of ways! It cracks me up!

    Your photos are great. I especially like the one of you and your mom, aunt, and grandma.

    Sounds like you had a great Mother's Day!

  6. What a nice Mother's Day <3 I love your hair cut and color. I totally feel you on the stringy hair thing. I'm due for a nice cut too. I suffer from stringy hair as well. lol

  7. I Love that you took MOther's Day into your own hands. But you gotta do what you gotta do.
    It looks to me that it paid off though.
    I believe the flower is a Gazania because I just bought the same ones. I'll have to go back and look at a post I did on them and make sure.
    Your hair cut is gorgeous. I love it. And your garden is superb!
    Have a GREAT day my friend.

  8. Gailardia, that's the name of your flower. I save the seeds and plant more every year. You 'day' sounds divine!!!

  9. Michael, you done good!

    I love your hair, Jack! The layers and color look fabulous!

  10. Michael, you done good!

    I love your hair, Jack! The layers and color look fabulous!

  11. So glad to hear that you had a great Mother's Day!

    I like the new hairdo!

  12. Your new haircut is very attractive. It always feel so good when the hair is perkier!

    Your bike ride looked like a lot of fun - especially to spend lunch with some very special people.

  13. Late as usual, but Happy Mother's Day! I can totally relate, my students text me HMD before my family told me! I am proud of you, hope you enjoyed it! I LOVE your hair......looks wonderful!

  14. The hair cut looks very nice. Sometimes people just need a change to make ya feel pretty (it helps when hubby says so too).

  15. YES, thin the radishes, they won't put on roots if they don't have more room. About one plant per inch. Your Grandpa and I've eaten all our radishes from our first plantings and are now onto the lettuce and spinach.

    If you don't tell them what you want, how are they going to know? Glad you had a happy Mother's Day. We celebrated the day before and he bought me a King Edward Flowering Currant, pretty in the spring and berries in the fall.

  16. It sounds like you had an awesome Mother's day!! You are doing a good training job with your hubby. They do need help you know!! :) That picture of you is beautiful! Your hair is gorgeous! I love it!


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