Friday, May 14, 2010

Union County Museum Homeschool Field Trip

Yesterday, we met up with 10 other homeschool families and toured the Union County Museum. They had a scavenger hunt that helped keep the kids focused and brought their attention to some things they might not have noticed otherwise. I love this first picture of the "one room school" display. One of the questions on the scavenger hunt page was "How does this differ from your classroom?" I bet there were all kinds of fun answers to that question from each of our homeschool families!Of course, Josiah gravitated to the military uniforms immediately. This is a World War I uniform. It was in great shape!Here is a girls' bedroom display.Of course this was my favorite display, the old-time wedding dresses! They were so delicate and beautiful.The museum volunteer told us the story of the attempted robbery of this bank vault (the museum is in an old bank). Apparently the robbers used dynamite to   try and blow the safe open. All it did was jam the door and it took a week for someone to travel from Portland to fix the door. In the meantime, nobody in the town of Union had money available to them (it was all in the vault) and one of the wealthy residents loaned his money to the bank so commerce could still occur during that week. I thought it was a fascinating story!  Josiah loved this old typewriter (he'd never seen one before) and informed me that he wanted to buy one. I said we'd have to try to find one at a yard sale (I'm thinking, yeah right). Well sure enough, we went to an estate sale today and there was an old typewriter for $10. Luckily, he didn't have $10 and so we didn't have to find a place for one of these. They had a fun kids area where they got to dress up as cowboys/cowgirls and ride this saddle strapped to barrel. Hailey is roping while the other kids are pushing the barrel. Josiah is branding the horse.Afterwards, most of us played on the playground in the city park and had a picnic. It was the nicest day we've had so far this spring. The kids had a blast and so did the mommies as we caught up with each other.

Hope you've enjoyed this recap and perhaps even learned something. 

God Bless,


  1. Gotta love those homeschool field trips! Sounds like fun!

    Hey, just wanted to let you know I found a white sweater for my granddaughter at JCPenney's a few weeks ago. It's so cute on her. Also, we are going to have another grandbaby in Jan 2011, so Melody is gonna have a brother or sister! Exciting! Just wanted to share the news! Hugs!

  2. What a fun day and the scavenger hunt is a great idea. Very cool pictures too.

  3. How nice to have so many other families to make the tour with. The scavenger hunt is a good idea, I've seen other children filling them out, at various museums, but we have yet to try it ourselves.

  4. Field trips are wonderfull and unique ways to build enthusiasm for learning! I'll be taking mine next week on one in the forest near us and put on by the Forest Service and including other home/public schoolers. Your kids look so cute looking over the 'stuff'!

  5. What fun! It looks like everyone was having a great time.

  6. You had so much fun and learned so much!

  7. This looks great. I wish I could have gone!!

    I have found a new way to use my Zote. My sister in law has a habit of using Pledge orange oil to clean with and is heavy handed with it. She sprayed it on her hutch and it ran all over the mexican tile floor. After she left for work, I used my Zote and there was no oily residue on the floor. I will keep this in mind if I spill veggie oil to clean it up after using paper towels to soak up the main mess.

    Have a wonderful weekend.

  8. That is great, Amy! Thanks for the Zote tip :)

  9. I enjoyed your story, especially about the almost bank robbery. Getting to see, and hear things like that brings history to life. what a wonderful learning experience.

  10. What a fun museum that would have been to visit! Looks like everyone had a great time there. It's nice you were able to share the experience with other homeschool families!

  11. I remember that museum! I'll have to take the kids there sometime one of these summers. A scavenger hunt in a museum is a great idea!

  12. I really enjoyed the tours. You are blessed to enjoy such things!

    God bless!

  13. I love the small town museums, so much more fun than the big ones. They have an intimacy with history that can't be found elsewhere. My two favorites are the Fort Dalles Museum and the Tillamook County Museum.

  14. What an awesome place to go for a field trip!!

  15. Thanks for sharing another field trip! It sounds like it was a memorable and educational day for each of the families that went! How fun! I used to be fascinated with old typewriters too. Don't know why- but I had to have an old one and found it at a garage sale when I was young. I played "school" with it for several years before I tired of it. Blessings!:)

  16. What a fun day and the scavenger hunt is a great idea.
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  17. Hey Jackie!
    This is Molly :)
    I don't know if you remember me, but we met at one of the parks in town last year or so (I think it might have been Jen Fager who introduced us). Anyway, I was googling "Union County homeschool" & it brought me to this blog entry. I immediately recognized you & your kids :)
    I am desperately searching for a La Grande/Union county homeschooling group/co-op. Is there one still? Any info. would help, thank you!


So many blogs, so little time. If you leave a comment, I'll do my best to stop by your blog for a visit. Thanks for taking the time to encourage me today! Please ask permission before taking pictures off of my blog. Thank you!