Monday, May 31, 2010

What Memorial Day is REALLY About!

I wanted to take a moment to say thanks to just a few of the many soldiers in my life. Memorial Day weekend is more than just a long weekend and an excuse to gorge ourselves with barbecue feasts (although these things are fun), it really is about the men and women, past and present, who have kept us safe and our country still intact. We can never give them the recognition they deserve, but here is just a small memorial tribute to a few of my favorite soldiers. This is my husband with Josiah the day before he shipped out for a 1 year tour to Iraq in 2004. Here is a picture of me meeting him at the airport during his mid-tour leave. Below is a picture of Michael in Kuwait, getting ready to convoy up to Northern IraqThis is Michael's brother, Nathan, in a sand storm. He just completed his 3rd tour to Iraq and just found out he'll be going to Afghanistan sometime next year. He is career Army.This is Michael's niece, Crystal, who was an MP in Iraq the year after Michael got back. She had the challenge of leaving a small son behind while she deployed. She is still serving in the Montana National Guard and is going to school to help returning veterans. I wish I had a picture of her dad, Michael's oldest brother. He served as a Seabee in Vietnam. Rick and his rock. Rick is a good friend of ours who just got back from his third tour to the Middle East. His rock travels with him wherever he goes. He has a wife and two small children.This is Michael and Nathan's father, Theodore James (everyone called him Jim). He was a young Marine during the Korean War. From what I understand, he had his knee shot really bad, but was one of two men out of his platoon who survived a famous Korean War battle that I can't think of the name right now. The only reason he survived was because the other soldier carried him out before the enemy had a chance to "clean up". Michael's family has a long military tradition. Many of his uncles and all of his grandfathers have served our country. 

I also want to thank the families of those who serve(d). I know first hand what a sacrifice it is. Praise God, my husband came home, for many others that was not the case. So take some time and thank a veteran (and their family) for the sacrifices they made and continue to make on your behalf. 

Happy Memorial Day!

God Bless,


  1. God bless all of them for their service and dedication to our Country.

    Have a beautiful Memorial Day!
    I wanted to do one of these posts too but I didn't have the pictures. Wonderful pictures of them all in their uniforms.

  2. My Dear Jackie, thank you for this post! My father, first hubby and now son and grandson served/are serving. I will head west tomorrow to say good-bye to my son before he is deployed to Afghanistan, leaving his wife and many children behind. His oldest son then deploys in September. It is very hard on families knowing it may be the last time to be with a service member. And my heart is a-flutter right now.

  3. Catherine,
    My heart goes out to you! I understand that feeling so well and it is terrifying. I'm praying a Spirit of Peace over you right now as you face this farewell. My advice to you is to assume they are coming back. Don't even question it, because the chances are very good that they will come home unscathed. I learned not to get myself worked up over the what-ifs because it just drives you crazy and fear takes over. I'm praying that your faith will remain strong during this period of separation. Really focus your energy on Kelly's family. They are going to need you more than you know.

    Bear Hugs,

  4. God bless all the service men and women and their families. Thanks for sharing your pictures.

  5. So many thanks to your hubby. God Bless him.

    My hubby was in the Marine Corp. My Dad was in Korea in the Navy. My Mom's Dad was in the Navy in WWII. Hubby's Dad was in the Army in WWII. He spent two years in a prisioner of war camp in Japan. Came home to a second son he didn't know about and a wife that had died.

    I had wanted to post pics too. But I don't have any.

  6. Great post Jackie! Can you say thanks to Michael from our family?

  7. I didn't have a chance to come here yesterday to post so I headed back early this morning. WOW....What a powerful post! To see these line of soldiers in your family, dedicated, committed and focused reminds me of God's family and what we are called for....Thanks so much for sharing...Even though I'm not American and didn't celebrate Memorial Day with all of you, I did pray for the troops and for all that have been working together to keep our lands safe.

  8. Good post. I have lots of family members in the military. I pray all of their efforts and those of the past have not been in vain.

  9. With thanks for all they have done and are doing! AND...for the wives who hold the "fort" without them!

    On another note...I love your hair like it is in those pics pretty! :)


  10. Thanks, Camille! That was my favorite hair style, too. Too short for my hubby though :( He really prefers long and so I try to keep it in longer styles.

  11. Jackie I just love the photographs you posted with this moving article. The first of the three of you is so sweet and the photograph of teeny Josiah in his little combats!

    It must have been very hard for you and your whole family when your husband went on a year tour of Iraq!

    p.s my Hubby loves my hair long too!

  12. “Poor is the nation that has no heroes, but beggared is the nation that has and forgets them.” Anonymous

    Thank you for the reminder, and thank you to your family for your sacrifices.

  13. What a wonderful tribute to all who have given so selflessly for our freedom. God bless each one of them.

  14. Being military around here, I say AMEN to that post. It is the soldier that gives us all our freedoms, even the fredom to worship our God who I pray keeps them all safe

  15. I am so thankful to people like your husband an his family who are willing to sacrifice for the liberty that we all enjoy. What an awesome post! I love the picture of your husband and Josiah when he was so little. He is so so cute!!


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