Thursday, June 3, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend Work/Fun

Hope you all had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend and had a chance to take some time and reflect on those veterans who died in defense of our country. We worked and played hard last weekend despite the rainy weather. We had the pleasure of having my sister's 4th child, Andrew (5 yrs), up for a visit. The kids all had a great time playing together. He especially liked helping with all out with the remodeling going on at our place. First thing, Saturday morning, I woke up to Michael and the boys tearing out the carpet and tacking strip in the hallway to prepare for laying the new wood floor. I discovered Andrew has a thing for sweeping. We let him do that all he wanted, LOL! Friday night, Michael and I finished putting up the rest of the bead board in the living room and hallway. Even though we were dealing with only half sheets of this stuff, it was still super heavy and so I ended up using my head most of the time (I know, not a real attractive picture). We're painting it tonight. Can't wait to see how it'll turn out. The pile of wood you see here is our new oak flooring. Michael had the kids rolling out the felt that goes under the wood floor. On Saturday, a MOPS friend, Cora, invited us out to the country for an barbecue. Another MOPS friend, Sarah, and her family were also able to make it. The weather was terrible all weekend, but God smiled on us and gave us just enough good weather for the bbq. We had more food that you could shake a stick at! The kids had an awesome time playing (everyone got along, yeah!). I really thought my kids were going to get sick (they all had diarrhea the next day from eating too much watermelon) from eating too much. Our husbands tended the grill and the bonfire. It was the first time our hubbies had met and they got along smashingly. All our hubbies hunt and fish, so they had a lot to talk about.Doesn't this picture just say it all? Oh my gosh, the kids ate S'mores until they about popped and us adults had strawberry shortcake with Romanian whip cream (can't remember the name of it). Sarah's husband is from Romania, so it was fun to taste something from his culture. On Memorial Day, we were invited to a homeschool picnic that ended up being moved indoors because of the rainy weather. It was so much fun! There were 150+ peole there, probably 2/3 children. It was very well organized. It started out with prayer and a great question and answer time about the history of Memorial Day. Then we moved into games for the kids. The games they played were all set up for kids of all ages and they had the older kids help the younger. This is Hailey and friend set up for the leg race. They were absolutely adorable! Even my nephew, Andrew ran one race (he is recovering from his surgery) and got third place. I was so proud of him! Josiah won first place for running in his age group. Here is a picture of Josiah and Chloe doing a leg race. They did so many different fun games, egg in the spoon, balloon behind the back, sweeping the balloon, etc... Even the older kids were having a blast. They were so fun to watch. Very competitive! 

Thanks to all who commented on my previous post. I passed on all your thank you's to my hubby. Hope you all had a great Memorial Day weekend!

God Bless,


  1. I'm glad the weather held out long enough for your BBQ.

    Loved the marshmallow picture. Too funny!

    And you all are going great guns with you house. I can't wait to see all the before and day! LOL! Keep up the good work.

  2. Andrew has a thing for sweeping, huh? I'll have to remember that.

    Looks like you had a great weekend. Thanks for taking Andrew. He can't stop talking about it.

    Michael is so good about letting those boys help.

  3. I love marshmallows too!!

    I really miss my MOPS group. Some of them are coming here in June. So we will have a great time.

    If I look into a more rural area, I might find a MOPS group.

    Have a blessed day.

  4. So much fun was had by all! It certainly was a busy weekend. What wonderful memories you have made.

  5. Sounds and looks like a wonderful time!

    I love your new blog header, btw. Your son looks so much like you!

    Have a blessed rest of the day/week!

  6. The rain killed our Memorial day plans. I am glad it held out for you. It looks like you all had such a blast! And your renovation is coming along great!!!

  7. Wow! What a busy weekend, but it looks like you had some fun too!

  8. We had a fun memorial day weekend too but not as busy as yours!

  9. We had pretty decent weather in the afternoon,for Memorial Day. I planted some of the garden before my daughter and I went to Salem. We attended a ceremony at the Afghan/Iraq Memorial where 4 more names were unveiled of Oregon soldiers that died this past year. So sad. But thank you to all who served and gave the ultimate sacrifice and for our fighting men and women in the Armed Forces today! Hugs to your hubby and you too. Thanks for sharing the photos. And today, we finished planting the rest of the garden...yippee and the weather is awesome today. SUNSHINE!! Thank you Jesus! :0)

  10. Looks like you had a wonderful day at your picnic. I bet your house will look great. I love wood flooring. Have a great week. Blessings,

  11. Looks like you are nearing the finish line with your remodel. Think of all the memories you will have.

    Looks like everyone had fun at the BBQ.

    Hope you are having a great week.


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