Monday, August 30, 2010

Monday Meanderings

The last few weekends have been such a blessing because we've actually been at home to enjoy some weekend time together as a family. Our Saturdays have consisted of yard saling, canning pickles and putting the finishing touches on the house remodel project. Last week we scored at the yard sales! We found TWO youth guitars in excellent condition (one was even pink for Hailey) for $10 a piece and a nearly new kitchen set for the kids. They love it! That night, Josiah insisted that we form a family band. Josiah was on guitar, Michael on the banjo that he doesn't know how to play, Hailey on her 1/8 sized fiddle and me on my fiddle, very rusty indeed. Oh my, did I feel sorry for the neighbors because I realized halfway through the concert that we had left the windows open. Yikes! Oh well, we had fun playing together. Maybe someday we'll actually be able to play music instead of just making a joyful noise, LOL.Hailey was all dressed up and dancing to the music on her princess harp that we got her at a yard sale and the next thing I know, Josiah has come out of his bedroom in his dress pants and shirt, with a tie on, so he could dance with his sister. Aren't they cute? I wish they got along this good ALL the time!Our neighbor sent me this picture. He took it from across the street through his screen door. He labeled it "Mike's Little Helper". Michael seriously has the patience of a saint. He's been doing mortar work on the foundation and our new porch and steps all week. Can't wait till he's done so I can do a remodel (before and after pictures) post. We're almost done! Very exciting!!!I thought I'd throw this picture in of Hailey and Josiah playing in Hood River at Toll Bridge State Park. When we were visiting Michael's folks, they took us there. We had a wonderful time.I know it seems like all I ever take are pictures of Hailey, and so few of Josiah, but it seriously is because she will hold still for pictures! It is so hard to get Josiah to hold still long enough to get a good shot of him, LOL. I found Hailey in my bedroom playing with my vintage hair set. It thought it was so cute. She's in her little fairy costume. She loves to play dress up, just like her mama.This was one of the gifts we got Hailey for her 3rd birthday. I found it at a yard sale, Care Bears, still in the box, never opened for $5. It doesn't hold much tea which is great because it means that much less mess to clean up. She and Josiah have played with this tea set for hours. 

On a side note, my new schedule is working beautifully! I'm experiencing more free time that I've had in long time, hence more time to do a little blogging. When I have time, I'm scheduling posts ahead of time, making me a more consistent blogger. Because of the schedule, my homeschool and household is running so much smoother. I'm able to teach my kids more subjects, play with them, as well as get more chores done. It is going great! Such a blessing to get more organized.

Hope you all had a nice weekend. I look forward to catching up with all your blogs soon. 

God Bless,


  1. How nice it is to catch up on YOUR life, Jackie! The people in your pictures are darlings, of course!

  2. I can't tell you how much I enjoyed these pictures! Hailey is already in Jessica's old swimming suit? Sniff, sniff! You all look like a bunch of hillbilly's in the first picture, especially Michael! LOL! You've gotten some good deals. It is worth it to take the time to yard sale. I got a few more good deals the weekend myself.

  3. I especially love the picture of "Mike's Helper". Isn't it fun to do silly things as a whole family, good thing the neighbors couldn't see you though, or they'd probably have had a great laugh.

  4. Oh girl, I see loads of fun family pickin' and grinnin' in your future! The kid's are absolutely precious and that little Haily stole my heart. She's just precious in her little fairy dress dancin' with Prince Charming.

    God bless ya and have a marvelous Monday!!!

  5. Dear Jackie ~ I'm so happy to hear the schedule is working out well for you!! How WONDERFUL! Your photos are great....I really like the little helper one...that's a memory maker for sure!

    You must be enjoying you new looks great!

    AND yes, a "joyful noise" indeed! LOL...the banjo that he doesn't know how to play...too funny! :)


  6. Ooohhhh, I have to learn to schedule my blog posts. I'm seriously bad about updating 3 or four things and then not updating for months! :)

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