Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Josiah's Baptism

Josiah got baptized last Sunday. I'm so proud of him! It was very cold the day before and he told us he changed his mind. We talked to him and told him how much more it meant that he would obey God calling him to be baptized even when it was hard to do and uncomfortable. He seemed to understand and the next day he was the first one in the water. The river was very cold but God is good! The sun was shining and it had warmed up to a balmy 68 degrees. Praise God the wind stopped blowing and the clouds went away just in time for the baptism. He is so good! The above picture is of Pastor Rob praying before the baptisms commenced. I wish I could have been more in the moment, but trying to keep Josiah under control (quiet, out of the water and not throwing rocks) was a bit of a challenge. He was so excited, his energy was getting the best of him. Luckily, I had a friend video it for me. Pastor Rob and Pastor Wade praying over Josiah just before he went under.Josiah told me later that he "felt something go away and then land on him" when he came up from the water. He said he thought it was a dove. I don't know if it was just the power of suggestion (we had just talked about Jesus being baptized) or if was real to him. God speaks in different ways to different people. I love this picture of the crowd watching from the river bank. This was just one section of the crowd. I thought it rather biblical. While none of our family was able to make it, we had 4 sets of friends who came specifically to support Josiah. I'm so grateful they came!

So proud of my son. He seems to really understand that his baptism was a symbol that he will follow Christ all of his days. What more could a mother ask? While I still continue to deal with sin and selfishness in his life (aren't we all doing the same?),  I'm praying God will continue to strengthen his faith so that he will never stop living his life for our precious Savior, Jesus. I pray that as he grows, he will crave the things of God and he will not depart from His ways. Amen!

God Bless,


  1. OH my... I got chocked up reading about Josiah's experience!! Beautiful.. So glad you captured it.

  2. Oh Jackie, how wonderful!
    I love his comment.

    He is indeed changed!! Prasie God!


  3. What a momentous and joyous occasion for your son Jackie! And indeed for you all! Congratulations Josiah!

  4. I will pray the same thing for Josiah. Tell him we are proud of him!

  5. I LOVE the first picture of him praying with your pastor and others. His attitude of prayer says it all. I'm SO glad for you!

  6. I recognize that river and the place where all the spectators sat!

    Congrats Josiah! May God bless you for your decision and may you follow Him always.


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