Monday, November 15, 2010

2010 Veterans Day Parade

My husband always rides in our local Veterans Day Parade with the Oregon Veterans Motorcycle Club. Josiah has been riding behind Michael in the parade for a few years now. This is the only time Josiah gets to ride on the back of the motorcycle, so it is extra special for him.

It wasn't raining or snowing this year, so we had a great turn out. In fact, best I've ever seen. Many of us MOPS and homeschool moms all met up to watch the parade together. It was a blast! The public schools were released that day as well, so lots of families with kids there. 

The local National Guard made their appearance in the parade. No tank this year. Probably had something to do with the unit being deployed to Iraq. 

The Girl Scouts, Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts all walked carrying American Flags. 

There we several veteran motorcycle groups riding together, so it made quite an awesome racket. Love the noise of a bunch of big bikes! These guys are true patriots, ready to serve the families of deployed soldiers in whatever way they can.

I know this is blurry (I've got to figure out how to capture action better with my camera), but here is another picture of Michael and Josiah riding together. I don't think he's having a good time or anything ;o)
After the parade, Michael pulled up to where we were watching and let Hailey sit on the back of the bike, too. Future biker chick right there!

Anyway, thanks to all of you who commented on the last post. My cousin and his wife were so encouraged by all your sweet comments. Hope you all managed to find a Veterans Day parade or at least thanked a vet or his family. I believe strongly in teaching our kids patriotism and how to help support families of soldiers left behind in practical ways. It won't be too long before our family will be in the same boat again.

God Bless,


  1. That's one pretty big smile on Josiah's face!!! We don't have parades here in the big city on V-day, just a regular work day for most.

  2. Wow! Your parade is a 100 times bigger than ours!

  3. What a great parade...and how wonderful that your son could share such a special time with his father! Wish we could have been there to enjoy it too!

  4. Hey Jackie! Thanks for commenting :) I am planning on staying in blogland this time but you might have to hold me to it. I missed all of you!! I can't wait to read your Wednesday post. Emily and I have been trying to find some Thanksgiving and Christmas crafts to do so I'm sure that she will be excited too :)

  5. Grandpa was loving the pics of Josiah and Hailey on the back of the bike. Such grins and him grinning right back.

  6. Great post! Looks like it was a great turnout :-) Have a wonderful week!

  7. i couldn't go... it wasn't just not wanting to take bo out in the cold, it was the fact that i know i would've cried through the whole thing. i can barely get through the color guard in a regular parade! it would've been too overwhelming. i should send the kids with you next time! then they get that whole patriotism thing without worrying about why their mom is crying! :)

  8. Looks like a lot of fun. Yohn and I had to be at CPR class this year so we missed out on our normal Veteran's Day celebrations, but we did talk about it with the kids the next day when we got to spend time with them.

  9. parades are so fun. What cute pictures.

  10. I still can remember my one and only lifetime motorcycle ride with my uncle at like 5 years old! I LOVED it! :)


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