Thursday, November 11, 2010

Featured Veterans Day Veteran

We have so many friends and family deployed right now. I decided to pick one to feature on this Veterans Day blog post. My cousin, Ryan, represents the many soldiers who are deployed. His new family represents the many families who will soon be spending the holidays separated from their loved ones. Ryan has just started his tour in Afghanistan.

He is newly married to Lindsey and they had a sweet baby girl just before he was sent over to Afghanistan. Ryan is a combat engineer with the 469th Engineer Company from Dodgeville Wisconsin. As a combat engineer, he does route clearance which means he goes out on routes looking for IED's before anybody else goes on that route. The vehicle he rides in on missions is called a Hemmit Wrecker. 

Please pray for not only this precious family, but all the soldiers and their families. If you know of any soldier who is deployed right now, I would encourage you to get their address and send them a care package or even a hand written card. This means more than you can imagine. If you know of any families of deployed soldiers, please remember them not only in your prayers, but in your kindness. Find out what they need help with, whether it be raking leaves, cleaning gutters, hauling the leaves away, etc... Make sure they aren't alone for the holidays. Invite them over for dinner, ask to watch their kids so they can have a break. Make sure they have a Christmas tree AND help get the tree in the stand. (I didn't have a tree when Michael was deployed because I didn't have the foggiest how to get the tree balanced in the stand with a 1 year old "helping".) These are all very practical things military families appreciate. 

Happy Veterans Day to all those who have served, past and present. May God be with you and your families and may He honor and bless your sacrifice for this great nation. Hope you all find a Veterans Day parade to go to today. It is a great way to teach your children how to honor these brave men and women.

Happy Veterans Day!


  1. Wonderful post and a big thank you to your own veteran! Also, thanks for stopping by my blog and becoming a follower!

  2. Oh my... What a beautiful post today... I just found out yesterday that North Powder has 15 servicemen that are in Afghanistan or Iraq..... 15. That is a lot for a little town! And, the North Powder Grange is putting together care packages for them.. I like your idea of getting our kids involved... I think we will assist with those care packages...

    Your cousin has a very tough job! Thanks be to God for him and his family...

    And always.. thank you to your family.

  3. Thanks, Melaniek!

    Wow, that is a lot! So glad you guys are getting involved. Care packages are so appreciated by soldiers. It takes some finacial pressure off the families to send snacks and toiletry items. That stuff gets expensive quickly! Thanks for what you're doing to support your local soldiers!!!

    Thank you! Happy Veterans Day to your family of veterans!

  4. That is so sweet for you to feature him on here, we will add him to our prayer list for sure!


  5. Wonderful post, Jackie; thank you! My daughter didn't have a tree last year either because Chris was in Iraq, and with a 4 year old and an infant, it was just too much trouble.

  6. Wow Jackie, that's a wonderful post! Thank you for sharing! I'm always inspired by your "military family". Noah's has a classmate who's dad is deployed right now. Her mom just had another baby, so he was home for two weeks. We all got together and helped her paint her house and get her yard ready, but I know there's so much more that is needed. Thanks for reminding me how important it is to keep checking in on them!

    I'm thankful your family is together right now!

  7. Susan,
    That is fantastic that you did that for that military mom! You can't imagine how much something like that means to mom whose hubby is deployed. Awesome!!!

  8. Catherine,
    Hope your daughter enjoys her tree AND having her hubby home for Christmas this year. Sure makes you appreciate the little things :)

  9. I will be keeping Ryan in my prayers as well as your family...Please thank him from me and my family for all he is doing.

  10. What a neat post Jackie, thanks for the reminder. We'll be praying for your cousin and his family.


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