Monday, December 6, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010 - Part 1

We had a great time visiting family on our four day out-of-town Thanksgiving holiday this year. I'm hoping this will be a two-parter post, but I'm waiting to get permission to use my aunt's pictures since I forgot to get my camera out during Thanksgiving. We traveled on partially icy roads to a Christian Camp that my brother works at. Hoping I can share some pics of that soon. After we got to the ranch where my parents live, they had a few surprises for our kids. Josiah was presented with an accordion. I have no idea how to play this instrument. Hoping we can find someone we know who can teach Josiah how to play this puppy without us all cringing. It is so loud! The kids like to play their version of the "Phantom of the Opera" on it. Pretty funny! 

My step-mom, Diana, gave Josiah this Beaver poster. He was SOOO excited! She gave it to him for being a good loser at a game we played at the camp. This is something we've been working with him on as he is super competitive. Yeah, Josiah!

Sorry about the red-eye (forgot to edit this). Diana also made Hailey this adorable princess nightgown. She loves to wear night gowns. It is simply a beautiful material and the pattern is classic. Hailey is standing on her papa's lap to show it off. Diana has to make a few adjustments, so Hailey will have to wait till Christmas before she can wear it.

After staying at the ranch for two days, we headed to my in-laws to visit Michael's folks and his sister's family. The kids (and I) had so much fun playing with Layla. She's a chunk and a half. We love playing with all her cute baby chubbiness! I love this picture where Josiah is playing with her fingers as Hailey looks on. They would love for us to have another baby, but God seems to know what I can handle for the present time and so far hasn't chosen to bless us in this area (again). Two red-heads are quite a challenge to say the least ;o) I always wonder if we would have another redhead.

Awwwhhh! We got lots of smiles from Layla this time :)

I snapped this pic of Hailey and Josiah just before we went to church. Hailey had a wayward hair, but it is still so adorable, I had to post it.

Things have been going much better between my son and I. We continue to have our moments, but I'm seeing a lot of improvement (both in him and me). We're breaking some bad habits and that is a good thing even if it means there is more conflict to begin with. Thanks for your prayers everyone!

It has been very cold here lately with blizzard conditions. Today was a little warmer, but still lots of snow and ice everywhere. Everything has been cancelled for the last two days. It has been wonderful just to slow down and relax some. Love those unexpected "free moments". 

Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and are keeping safe and warm! 

God Bless, 


  1. LOVE the picture of your sweet dd in the princess nightgown! It is so pretty! :)

    Happy Monday, Jackie!

  2. The nightgown is so pretty! Can't wait till my girls get theirs!

    Loved the last pic, Jackie! Very cool.

    I'm so glad things are going better with Josiah. Hang in there. You are such a good mama!

  3. How fun, an accordion! Always wanted one of those! It's almost as big as he is-ha! Love the photos and thanks for sharing! It's just been cold here, just a bit of rain. So glad things are going well with you and son, an answer to prayers. It's something you constantly have to work on. Just like any relationship. Hugs!

  4. Darling kids with accordian and nightgown, Jackie! We've had those slow moments over here too, but without electricity...real slow!

  5. I love the picture of your two precious babes! Even with the fly away hair. Too bad you didn't know how to use photoshop, I hear you can fix things like that on there.

  6. That is a great pic of your two, your little Hailey... A brown eyed read head... That's something special!!


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