Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010 - Part 2 - Camp Morrow

My Aunt Lil took these pics. She's a wonderful photographer. I just loved them. Thanksgiving Day was spent at Camp Morrow where my brother and SIL live and work. It is a beautiful setting as you can see.

We were toasty inside the cafeteria. This is my twin sister, Stacie, Grandpa and his wife Regina and Michael and I. Regina had brought her laptop and showed us pictures of  their recent trip to Wisconsin. Grandpa told us stories of life growing up there. I find family history fascinating! 

Jacob and Hailey (both 3 years old) had some cousin fun playing ping pong.

This is a picture of the beautiful chapel at Camp Morrow.

We played phoosball (sp?). Always loved that game!

I can't remember the name of this game but it was fun and addicting. You basically try to knock the other guy's ball in. Simple, but fun. Great for little kids and big kids (my dad). They played this for hours!

While we were playing games we were being serenaded by the kids on the piano. Love this picture of Lily peeking over Hailey's head. It doesn't get any cuter than that!

Doesn't this just say it all? Perfect end to a wonderful day. My brother's son, Noah, just asleep on Nana and then slept on a pew for hours despite all the noise and and family fun we had. So sweet and cute!



  1. It was toasty in that room, wasn't it? LOL!

    I couldn't believe how sore I was from playing foosball! I'm pathetic!!!!

    It is so nice to see Jacob and Hailey getting along so well. They are going to be great playmates now that they are three!!!

  2. You are truly blessed. What a beautiful family.

  3. Carpet ball!!! That's the name of the second game, every Bible Camp I've ever been to, has carpet ball, does that mean it's a Christian thing {lol}?

    Looks like a grand time, what a blessing to have a relation that works at a camp!

  4. Looks like a lovely time! Beautiful cabin!

  5. foosball :) (Uh wait, I think)

    Do you write down the stories your grandfather shares with you? I wish I had written down some of my grandma's stories, now they are gone forever.

  6. I had not been on your site in awhile as the background color used to make it hard for me to read.I was so happy when I went on today and saw that it was green now and very easy to read.I always enjoy the pics of your kids.;)We actually bought one of those tiny violins after seeing a picture of your little Hailey with one awhile back.Too cute.One of my little girls has a doll that looks like Hailey so I named that one.:)Nikki

  7. Ruth,
    My step-grandma is writing our family history. I'm so grateful to her for doing this!

    That is so cute that you named the doll after Hailey. I was having problems with my blog background for awhile but they got it fixed now. So glad! I miss my apron background though! Thanks for coming back and checking on us :)


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