Thursday, January 6, 2011

Handmade Heirloom Dress

Michael's grandma made this baby/toddler dress a few years before she passed away over 10 years ago. She won 2nd Place at the county fair with it. It is a beautiful handmade garment. My SIL sent it to me when Hailey was born to get some pictures of her in it. Hailey is now 3 years old and finally fits in it. Unfortunately, it is very short for her long legs because it is meant for a younger toddler, so we took some pics as best we could. I took these with my old camera. I just got my new Canon in the mail today but haven't had time to mess with yet. So excited! Can't wait to try it out!

I love the little hat. You can't see it very well, but it is open in the back and left room for Hailey's "almost bun". Hailey loved wearing for the photo shoot. Thanks for the loaner, Abby!

I'm going back to my sister's house tomorrow to help her out. She is still having a hard time recovering from her bunion surgery. It is very painful and they want her to wear the boot at all times, making it excruciating. She can't leave her foot down for very long at all, making it very difficult to manage her home. Sounds like her 3 year old is basically having the run of the place because he has figured out that his mom can't do anything about it if he tells her "no". Not good! Please pray for Stacie's difficult situation and that I would have traveling mercies (looks like it might snow again) and health for everyone. My kids have mild colds and Stacie and some of her kids also have mild colds. I praying I'll be able to not only help Stacie with the housework and discipling, but that my visit will also lift her spirits as she is battling depression, boredom and loneliness. Thanks to all you prayer warriors out there!

God Bless,


  1. Oh, poor Stacie..we are still praying for her. I wish I was there to help. She will get through this, she's a strong woman.

    That dress is beautiful on Hailey!

  2. Love the dress Jackie. So sorry to hear about Stacie's slow recovery. I will be praying for you and her. What a blessing to have sisters that love each other this way and can help out when needed. I am sure it just grows you too closer and closer together. May the Lord bless you while you help her out and may she get back to full health real soon.

    In Christ,

  3. Praying for Stacie!

    That dress is adorable!!

  4. What a beautiful dress! I love it! I stopped by your sister's blog today and commented, I really feel for her and she is most definitely in my prayers!

  5. What a sweet, sweet little dress (and model)! I will be praying for you and Stacie and all the kids today my friend! What a blessing that you have each other!!

    Sending you (((hugs))) this day Jackie!


  6. Yes! You are wonderful to 'spell' your sister at this difficult time. I'm praying for both of you. Hailey is darling, by the way.

  7. Jackie, it was great to hear from you. I have been gone for a little while, but I think I am back for a while now. I have missed everyone so much. I love your header picture so much!! You kids are so so so cute!! I did not know Stacie was going through such a hard time right now since I have been absent from the cyber world. I will have to stop by and visit her today too. It was so great stopping by and checking in on you and your beautiful family today
    God Bless,

  8. Your poor sis, I can't even imagine! I hope you are able to enjoy your visit even though you'll be "working" most of it.

    That dress is cute!

  9. Praying for you and Stacie and your families. So glad you're able to go help her.
    Love the photos and the dress. They'll be special photos.
    In His love,

  10. I'm praying for you as you travel and hoping that you have a wonderful visit together as you bless her. :)

  11. I love the dress and little cute girl.

  12. Oh Jackie...I'm praying for Stacie and her recovery! What a blessing for her though, to have you able to come and help her!

    I love the photographs opf cute little Hailey! The dress is so sweet!

    I've not been blogging much of late...due to lack of time. We seemed to have forgotten how much time caring for a newborn takes!

    God Bless yours and Stacies families!


So many blogs, so little time. If you leave a comment, I'll do my best to stop by your blog for a visit. Thanks for taking the time to encourage me today! Please ask permission before taking pictures off of my blog. Thank you!