Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Whole Wheat Macaroni and Cheese Pie Recipe

I love this dish. It is easy and I can double or triple the recipe and freeze it uncooked. It is also very versital, which I love. You can use different cheeses and meat combinations or no meat at all if you choose. I always like to throw in mushrooms and raw spinache in if I have it on hand. Everyone seems to like this dish.

Whole Wheat Macaroni and Cheese Pie Recipe

3 cups dry whole wheat macaroni
1 lb grated cheese (If I'm making it with ham, I use swiss, if I'm using hamburger or sausage, I use sharp cheddar)
3 eggs
3 cups milk
1 Tbl salt
1/4 tsp pepper
*optional: ham, sausage, hamburger, shredded meat, mushrooms, garlic onion, green or red pepper, raw spinache or herbs

Cook macaroni until tender. Use a little oil to keep it from sticking, can add some salt to the water, too. Drain. While that is cooking, mix together eggs, milk, salt and pepper in a mixing bowl.  Mix well. Preheat oven to 350 F. Grease a 9x13 pan if needed (I use stoneware, so I never have to grease).  Sprinkle a good layer of cheese over macaroni. If using meat or another optional ingredients, sprinkle that over next. Then sprinkle on the remaining cheese. Pour milk and egg mixture over the top evenly. May dot top with butter before baking if using a low-fat cheese.  Bake 45 minutes to an hour or until middle is set solid and sides and top are crusty.

Even your pickiest eaters should love this one :)



  1. This looks great. Just made myself a copy of this recipe to try. Thank you for sharing!
    In His love,

  2. Love a basic recipe that can be tweaked a thousand ways! My picky eater girls ate the roast beef I made last night for supper and again for lunch today! Wahoo! No that wasn't an earthquake from seahawk stadium, it was me jumping up and down rejoicing!!

  3. Glad you gals want to try this. It really is very easy and tasty. Loved your comment, Kimberly! Whoo Hoo!

  4. Looks quite tasty! Thanks for posting this. :)

  5. It looks like something I would LOVE; thank you for the idea!

  6. This looks so totally awesome! Printing it, making it, eating it!

  7. Oh Jackie....this is a keeper...I can already tell! Have you ever thought of starting a separate blog for healthy cooking? You come up with such healthy and scrumptious recipes! Thank you so much for sharing with people like me who desparately need inspiration in heatlhy cooking!

    In Him

  8. I have thought about it, Jackie, but I kind of like having the recipes scattered throughout my regular posts. I get a lot of hits for recipes and it takes people to my blog where I can hopefully be a witness to them. Plus, it is all I can do to keep up with one blog, LOL :) Thanks for your sweet comments!

  9. This sounds scrumptious! Thanks for sharing!

  10. I will have to give this one a try...thanks for sharing recipes Jackie...wonderful! :)

    Love to you!

  11. Looks delicious and nutritious! Those are the best kind of recipes. Thanks for sharing!

  12. I copied down this recipe for my family. It sounds wonderful. Thanks for sharing.

  13. OH YUM! Now that my gluten-sensitive kid isn't home I think I'll try that. It looks great!


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