Wednesday, April 6, 2011

36th Birthday With My Womb Buddy

This last weekend was a whirl-wind of activity as my sister and her six kids came to visit us. We had such an awesome time! The kids would play outside between snow/rain showers. My nephew, Marcus, took this picture of us. 

I took this one of my sis. I absolutely love sharing a birthday with my best friend and womb buddy. It is always a special treat when we get to be together on our actual birthday. Now that my nephews are older, we were able to get a little bit of shopping in without having to take all the kids. Nice!!! 

The blessings started off first thing in the morning when 8 kids came trickling out of bed, each wishing us a happy birthday with lots of hugs and kisses. For lunch, we took the kids to a local pizza buffet with an arcade. It is kind of our tradition to take the kids there. They really look forward to it. We couldn't believe how much easier it was to take all the kids somewhere now that the youngest is two years old. 
After that, we went to Walmart and switched kids. I took hers and she took mine so we could help the kids pick out some birthday gifts for us. More on that later. I was surprised at how well her six kids did in the store. 

When we got home, a dozen roses was waiting on the porch for me from my hubby who is at Annual Training for the National Guard. Very sweet! Made my day :) Josiah took this picture. 

After a taking off one more time for wee bit of shopping, we loaded all the kids up again and took them to my friend, Dorene's house. She offered to watch all of them so Stacie and I could got to dinner just the two of us. Sweet! So we went to a local Mexican restaurant. While there, I ran into an past co-worker of mine and he and his wife surprised us by picking up our tab. Wow! Another blessing!

Earlier in the day, we bought a cake for ourselves. After we got home from dinner, we made wishes and blew out the candles and ate a slice of cake.

Then we exchanged gifts. Check this out! Can you tell, Stacie and I have similar tastes? Unbeknown to us, we had each directed the kids into buying the same scrapbook bling as well as jewelry. It was seriously a twin moment, LOL! After the kids went to bed we got to watch some BBC miniseries together to complete the perfect birthday. 

Thanks so much for coming to visit, Stacie. You make me want to be a better person. You pray for me when I'm weak. You love me when I'm unlovable. I learn so much from you. I thank God for our relationship. I always feel sorry for anyone who isn't a twin.

Happy Birthday, Womb Buddy!


  1. I LOVE you two! I'm so glad it was a great weekend...even with all your children present and accounted for!

  2. It was so wonderful, Jackie. Thanks for everything! It couldn't have been better!

    Love you so much! I also love our "twin" moments! LOL!

  3. That's sweet! Looks like you two {and the 8 ducklings!!!} had a wonderful time! Happy Birthday, Jackie!

  4. I meant to come over ON your birthday to wish you a happy one! I got teary reading about your time with Stacie. Sisters are SUCH a blessing! And too funny that y'all directed the children to the same things! :)

  5. How precious that your sister is your best friend. What a treasure you both have in each other. You are such special and lovely ladies. I consider it an honor to have "met" you through the blogland. Happy Belated Birthday to you both!

  6. What a blessing for the both of you! I had only one sister, and she's been with the Lord now for about 8 years. Miss her greatly....

  7. Happy Birthday Staice and Jackie! I am so glad that you both had a wonderful day! How funny that you both picked similar gifts for one another!

    God Bless

  8. What a lovely lovely birthday!!! And I can't get over how she is totally identical. Wow! That's a beautiful picture of the two of you.
    Happy Birthday my friend.

  9. Neat about the gifts! I am glad you had a great birthday, it sounds like a wonderful time!


  10. Thanks for your birthday wishes everyone! The birthday blessings continued on into the week. Our bible study group got me a cake and some sweet gifts. I felt so blessed!

  11. Happiest of Birthdays to you both!! How wonderful to have had that special time together Jackie! It all sounds wonderful...what a fun time! :)

    Too funny that you chose the same it!

    Many blessings,

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  13. Interesting site, Michelle! Thanks for sharing :)

  14. Thank you for sharing your precious day with us! What fun! Happy Belated Birthday!

  15. Happy Birthday, belatedly, Jackie. So glad you and your sis could get together to celebrate your twin birthdays. My sis and I are 7 years apart but we both have birthdays in Feb. that are 8 days apart. So we try to get together and do something, now that we are close in miles. Usually it's lunch and shopping. Once we went to the coast for an over night stay. That was fun! No kids went with. Only her dog, Cody. Happy day!

  16. Happy belated birthday! Looks like such a joyous time!

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  18. Enjoyed reading about your birthday celebration with your womb-mate! So glad you had fun!
    Love - Mom


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