Thursday, April 14, 2011

Birthday Tea

While I was visiting family last weekend, my dad and step-mom gave my sis and I gift certificates to go to the ANZAC Tea Parlor together. This is becoming a tradition that we both love. The woman who runs it, Bev, is originally from Australia and missed having "tea time" when she came to America, so she started a tea parlor. She has quite a lovely ministry through this place. You can't help feeling love, blessed and encouraged when you leave. The above picture is of my twin sister, Stacie, with her new, cute "do". Love it! She was freezing in this picture. Sorry, Stace!
While we were waiting for tea, I seized the chance to work on my photography skills. I really have no idea, what I'm doing, but I have fun doing it! Here is a picture of several of the tea cups you get to choose from when you come in. I think tea cups are so beautiful!
I'm also a huge hat fan. Love all the hats hanging everywhere!
These cake stands are unique and gorgeous!
I also love the stained glass above the windows.
Oh, and the food! This was after we ate half of it. But I hope you can still "see" how delicious it was.
Bev's lemon scones are to die for. My sis is glopping on some Devonshire cream. Oh yeah!
Here is another picture of my sweet sis. She was very patient with me as I worked on my photography skills. We had a wonderful time as always. Thanks D & D!



  1. I think your photos are lovely! I got a new camera from my kids for Christmas, and it has been quite the learning experience! SO much info, so many settings!

  2. I love going to tea. We've managed to acquire enough of the finery to have our own cozy little tea here at home. It's cheaper and I still feel a little spoiled. Heh.

  3. Oh how fun!!! I wish there was something like that here. My BFF and I would go there often I'm sure.
    That is definitely a tradition worth keeping.
    Tell your sis I like her do too.
    Have a great day.

  4. Are you shooting on automatic or are you playing with the settings?

    It looks like you guys had a great time!

  5. I love going out to tea shops, especially the ones in England. So fun! Glad you had a good time! You girls are spoiled! :0) Love ya!

  6. I love that place too, Jackie; your pictures tempt me to begin a collection myself. And I LOVE Stacie's new do too!!!

  7. I'm so glad that you both had such a wonderful time Jackie! Your photographs are lovely! The yummy treats just looked delicious!

  8. Looks like such a delightful place!
    I love tea rooms and tea parties!
    Have a great weekend!

  9. Thanks gals!

    I shot most of them using the SCN setting, set to "vivid color". I love that setting! I'm sure having fun with this camera and getting braver. I'd love to take a class someday.

  10. Wow, I love those cups! Especially the blue set in the front row. That looks like a great place to go to have fun. :)


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