Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Easter Blessings 2011

Due to Michael's National Guard schedule, he was gone a good chunk of April, so we decided to stay home for Easter this year instead of visiting family. It was so relaxing and I felt like we really got to focus on the true meaning of Easter with the kids.  Using the timer on my camera, we managed to get one good shot of all of us smiling. A test in patience to be sure!The day before Easter, Hailey dyed a dozen eggs for our Easter egg hunt.
While we don't do the whole Easter Bunny thing, when the kids woke up Easter morning, they discovered that mom had filled their baskets with all kinds of games, books, videos, plastic eggs filled with loose change, and one Lindt chocolate bunny. The Resurrection eggs are in the center of the table to remind us of the gift of eternal life Jesus gave us by dying on the cross and then rising from the dead. I've always read the story to them, but this year, I let them tell us the Easter story after each egg was opened. I was amazed at how much they remembered.  
My sleepy heads, just before diving into their baskets.

Just before church, we had a photo shoot in the backyard. Hailey loved her dress. So grateful for beautiful hand-me-downs!

Josiah was looking spiffy in his shirt and tie. Oops, forgot to tuck the ends of his clip-on under his collar ;)

Best friends.

After a wonderful Easter service at our church, I hid eggs around our backyard and they hunted them just before it started to rain.

After giving him a little talking to, Josiah did a good job, letting Hailey have a chance. I was proud of him. 

After the hunt, we played games all afternoon and had a low key dinner. We got Josiah this new game called "Hog Pile". It was a lot of fun. After dinner, Michael started teaching Josiah how to play cribbage. He seems to really like that game, too. 

Hope you all had a wonderful Easter and were able to reflect on God's greatest gift to us. He has risen indeed!

God Bless,


  1. Sounds like it was a wonderful day, some fun, and keeping your eyes on Him!!!

  2. Your kids are so adorable Jackie! I *love* the tie with the clips untucked and that DRESS...tooo sweet! :)

    Sounds like you had a lovely family day remembering the real reason for the celebration. What a blessing that you are teaching your children while they are young.

    Many blessings,

  3. Wonderful looking Easter! Aren't quiet holidays at home such a joy?! I love good hand-m-downs, unfortunately Ella's too tall to get them anymore. We do the handing-down now.

  4. Love your family picture. Beautiful family!
    Glad you had a restful time at home. We did as well.
    Have a blessed day.

  5. Your children are adorable in their Easter finery, Jackie! It looks like you know how to keep the right focus too.

  6. Oh, I remember that dress! Josiah's tie is so funny, and soooo him.

    I'm glad Michael was able to be there and it was low-key so you could really focus on what the celebration is all about.

  7. What a beautiful family. That is a great picture.

    I love quiet home holidays.

    Please stop by my blog. I am trying to get prayer warriors to pray for a homeschooling family in crisis. Thank you.

    God Bless and have a wonderful day.

  8. Such sweet photographs Jackie! Your children looked so sweet in their smart Easter clothes!

    Glad you all had a lovely day!

  9. Great picture of your family Jackie! I am glad you had such a wonderful Easter!


  10. Loved the photos of your family. I remember the days of my children dressed up for Easter. I hunted down a little book for my granddaughter that had the real meaning of Easter. I hope she liked it. I thankful Jesus loved us enough to die for our sins then rise again, just as He said. He has risen, Indeed! Glad you had a good day with just your family. Ya gotta do that sometimes! Hugs!

  11. Look at those eager smles.
    Arn't they happy.

  12. These are wonderful pictures! Looks like a very blessed day!!


  13. Great picture of your family Jackie! I am glad you had such a wonderful Easter! Stephanie


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