Monday, May 2, 2011

Homeschool Days

I have a bunch of misc. homeschool pictures I've been meaning to post. This gives just a glimpse into some of the fun we have each day, among the not always so fun basics of homeschooling. Hailey is insisting on being homeschooled every day now. She recently learned how to write her name and loves write it over and over. Now we're working on her last name.

I got this cool United States floor puzzle at our local Christian book store. I think it is really helping the kids with their national geography. We put it together once a month. Josiah, although technically in 1st grade, has moved onto to 2nd grade math and should be starting 2nd grade phonics next week. I'm very happy with his progress. His reading is good when he decides to focus and bad when he allows himself to get distracted, so we have some more work to do on that subject.

Last time, we were visiting family, we swung by my grandparents house to get some honey and a live honey bee for the presentation Josiah was planning on doing for our local homeschool group. 

Here are the kids with my grandpa. Josiah had a lot of fun watching that bee in the jar for a week, but unfortunately it died before the presentation. We still brought it so the other kids could look at it close up.

Is this a boy moment or what? Josiah had a friend sleep over and they had both recently watched "Where the Red Fern Grows". They decided to make a "raccoon trap" in the middle of my backyard. The hole was 3 feet wide by 3 feet deep. Mama wasn't  happy! I made them fill it in to the best of their abilities. They were sooo dirty! Josiah's friend had to go home in his pajamas. Lets just say the rest of Josiah's day was really boring since he dug exactly where I had told him not to dig and convinced his friend it was fine. Lesson learned, (I hope).

Hailey wanted to make a tent in the living room. It was awfully quiet and when I checked on her, she was fast asleep. It was so cute! Love it when THAT happens!

Josiah and Hailey both had their award night at AWANAS. Both finished their books and memorized a ton of bible verses. So proud of them! We really like AWANAS since it builds on their social skills as well as their bible skills. Plus they usually do a craft, so I don't have to, hee hee. Not a big craft person at all.

I didn't get any pictures of my kids during our homeschool group's "Arts and Letters" program, except this one and the one below. So glad my kids love each other! I had someone else working the camera and it didn't work out. I was pretty bummed not to get their presentations on video, but that is life. Hailey wrote her name in front of everyone and Josiah did a very good job on his "Life Cycle of a Honey Bee" presentation. I definitely see public speaking in his future! So glad my kids aren't shy.

I just loved this little hand-me-down outfit. I think Hailey looks adorable in this color. 

We've been on a fun field trip lately and I'm planning on blogging about that soon. Things are getting busier around here as we are starting to prep our garden and try to get the yard under control. I've also been doing some more culinary experiments, such as making a healthy pecan pie, plus crust, as well as trying my had at making my own bacon. If they turn out, I hope to have time to post the recipes.

May God bless you all and hope you are getting more sunshine than we are! 



  1. Love Hailey's new outfit! You are doing such a good job homeschooling them. I'm so proud of you and am priviledged to be on this journey with you.

    The floor puzzle is a great idea.

    Oh, the raccoon trap! It reminds me of my WWI trench that the boys dug in the goat pen when I wasn't looking. I don't have enough dirt to fill it up though.

  2. Love this post and all the things you do for homeschool. I remember homeschooling as well and the good among the days that were not so good. Our kids liked geography. Only hole we still have in under big tree in our yard. Justin and his friend, Joe, dug it as a fort and it's still there. Now that he's not here doing that any more, I hope to put out a few hostas eventually. Your Hailey is adorable in the outfit.
    I looked at my area and I need to take out grass and weeks that have taken over. Won't be too hard. I hope it warms up soon so I can plant something!

  3. Your kiddos are just so cute! 'Loved the tour through your homeschool pics, they were wonderful!

    That raccoon trap totally cracked me up. It reminded me of the time I was gonna dig a pool in our backyard. I dug a big old hole and filled it with water. Too bad my dad stepped right into it after dark. He was not amused.

    God bless ya and have a marvelous day sweetie!

  4. Ha - I love the diggin pic. What is it with boys and digging? My boys are always digging. I see a lot of outside work in their future!!

    What great pics of everything! Sounds like a busy spring for you guys!


  5. Yep, lots of sun, just not so much warm air. Okay today we did, but it's still cold during the kids' weeknight games.

    Hailey does look adorable in that color!

    Boys, they do like to keep busy, don't they? :)

  6. Great pics...look so much like what happens around out house! Homeschooling is great isn't it? Love the floor map, what a great way to learn geography. And of course, all the hands on. I would love have my own honey bees one day. God bless you my friend!


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