Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Bridal Dreams

The other day, Hailey and Josiah begged me to put on my wedding dress and veil. I realized, I'd never shown it to them, so I swallowed my pride and tried it on. After 2 kids and 15 lbs (= 15 years), there was no way I was zippin' that baby up. Luckily, they didn't care and thought I looked beautiful anyway. Of course Hailey wanted to try it on, too. 

Josiah saw all the beading and his entrepreneur mind wanted to know if they were real pearls and how much they were worth. Hailey, on the other hand, just wanted to wear it. 

I carefully "dropped" her into the gown. She looked so tiny in it! 

I know she will probably never chose this dress herself (I certainly wouldn't chose that style now), but I can't get rid of it because of the sweet memories it holds for me. So, it will stay in my closet and I hope to have more chances for Hailey to take it out and try it on and feel beautiful in it, too. 

We've been studying a lot in Revelation lately and it mentions the word "bride" several times in context to the Church. I loved this verse and wanted to share it with you, too.

Revelation 19:7
Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and his bride has made herself ready.

Have you made yourself ready for the wedding? If not, don't tarry - not a second! Time in short. Everything is lining up. Jesus is coming back soon! Let us be beautiful for him, not distracted by this "me, myself and I" world. Let us look forward to His coming with breathless anticipation!

Come, Lord Jesus, Come!

God Bless,


  1. Jackie those are such special pictures! What a beautiful dress. And great Scripture reference too.

  2. Your dress is similar to mine. My dress is sealed in a box, to preserve it... I've wonder though, is it worth preserving it like that if my girls don't get to see/touch it.. I've thought about taking it out of the box just for them, maybe someday! We celebrate our 16th next month, you can tell when a couple was married by the wedding dress!

  3. We also celebrate 16 years next month, Kimberly. No wonder we have similar styled dresses. I call it my "Big Fat Greek Wedding" dress, LOL. I vote for taking it out of the box!

  4. How cute. Your little one seems to be having a good time.

  5. First off, Beautiful photos! Loved seeing Hailey in your dress! Secondly, that verse fit perfectly with your whole post! It is so important for us to be ready!

  6. Amen and Amen! Very pretty, Jackie. Hailey looks like she is enjoying herself.

    I hope Jess will want to wear mine.

    She just told me she will. we shall see!

  7. Wow, that is a very beautiful old-fashioned dress and it looks lovely on your daughter.

  8. Those are some beautiful photos!

  9. Beautiful pictures....great memories!


  10. This is precious. I have my wedding dress. It is a tea gown made by a friend. It is a civil war period dress. I can't get it buttoned. LOL

  11. PS
    I have not given up on the button, I'm just having a hard time getting the code to work right. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong this time. :(

  12. Awwww... such adorable pictures of your little girl!

  13. Sweet photos Jackie! :) I don't think I could zip mine up either...LOL! How fun that your Hailey wants to wear it...she will have many hours of enjoying doing that. Too funny that your Josiah wanted to harvest the pearls for some cash. LOL!

    What a lovely connection to wonderful to think the we are the Bride of our Precious Saviour!! What a thought.

    Many blessings,

  14. She is so cute! What a funny, and totally male thing, about the pearls!


  15. Well, ready or not, here He comes, riding on the clouds, and I AM ready. Thanks for the reminder...and the pictures of your dress with Hailey in it :)


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