Saturday, May 14, 2011

Hailey's First "Fairy Tea"

Hailey and I were able have a girls' date and go to the Fairy Tea. This is the first year for us and I think we just started a new tradition. Josiah took these first two pictures just before Hailey and I went to the Fairy Tea Party. 

This dress was given to us when Hailey was born and she is finally old enough to wear it. She especially likes the "twirl factor" this dress has.

They gave each girl a crown and a scepter with a pair of wings.

Looks like all those tea parties at home paid off, because she had really good manners. I didn't hear one slurp! I was very proud of her.

Of course I had to play around a little with my camera while we were there.

The "Fairy Godmother" read them all a story. I continue to be amazed at the difference between girls and boys. It was so quiet in there! Everyone was listening so nice and sitting still. 

Hailey saw a lot of her friends from our MOPS group there. She's sitting next to her friend, Becca, here.

Hailey had fun touching the butterflies on the wall with her scepter. This kept her entertained for quite awhile. I was able to hold my friends baby almost the whole time. What a joy and privilege to hold another red-headed baby boy. His temperament reminded me so much of both my kids when they were babies. It sure brought back a lot of memories. 

Standing in front of the castle in all her finery. She looks like a little cupcake. I'm surprised how well the color peach goes with her hair. I'll have to try to find more clothes this color while yard saling this summer.

Hailey and the Fairy Godmother.

I loved listening to her tell her brother all about it when we got home. So cute! I think we may be ready to go to an official tea parlor now. It was a great test run and I'm so glad she passed! Thanks to all the ladies who worked so hard at putting together the Fairy Tea. Hailey and I look forward to attending these for years to come. 


  1. That is so sweet and so cute!:-)

  2. What a beautiful picture of Mommy and daughter. You both looked wonderful. What a special day.

  3. Looks like she had a great time!! What a beautiful dress, your right, peach looks great on her. :) Love the pictures of the two of you together.

  4. How neat! My daughter would LOVE that! I love the picture of your daughter in front of the castle! :)

  5. Ella would love a tea party like that! Definitely looks like a great twirly dress.

  6. What a special treat for the both of you. Hailey is just adorable and hope that you can go to a tea parlor soon. I want to go to one where you are required to where a hat. I've seen one somewhere when we were on vacation on the coast a few years ago. Hugs and happy days!

  7. Wow, Hailey looks absolutely gorgeous! I never heard of a fairy tea party - looks like a blast!

  8. What a sweet day! I'll bet she looks forward to it for years to come.

  9. These pictures are wonderful!! We just love all things that have to do with tea! Wish we could have went too! LOL Have a great day!!


  10. I want to have one! She looks like a princess for certain, pretty as a picture! I think I'll take these ideas for part of the ceremony for my 6th grade girls next week. Thanks, Jackie!

  11. How PRECIOUS Jackie! What a sweet dress. You both look beautiful. :)


  12. Aww! How cute are your pics! Nice page! xoxo ♥


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