Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Byrd School - Heritage Station Field Trip Part 1

This is a picture heavy post, but hang in there for the end because the I saved the best for last. Last Friday, we went to the Heritage Station Museum in Pendleton, OR. We had such a great time and learned a lot in the process. My favorite part of the museum is the one-room school house, called Byrd School, that was moved onto the museum premises. They made it look just amazing inside. You really felt like you were walking into a piece of history.

Here is an old school bell.

Byrd school from a distance.

Our tour guide made the kids (and us adults) raise our hands, take hats off, etc. This was a GREAT experience for homeschoolers not used to so much structure. Our guide said that the one room school houses were always too hot or too cold.

Hailey's friend, Hannah, provided me this sweet shot of her. She is super photogenic.

If this desk could talk!

Our little Hailey, trying on the dunce hat. Is she a drama queen or what? Crackin' me up! I told you the best was last! More of this field trip to come...

Blessings, Jackie


  1. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this post! What a great experience. That quote from Ben Franklin is great.
    It is good to catch up on your blog. I was just telling my sister-n-law about you and I emailed her a link to your blog. She is also starting a humungous heirloom garden. I'm taking the kids up to Petaluma next week to visit the heirloom seed store that she buys from. I'll have to post some pics.

  2. Great pictures, the last is priceless! We just don't do the field trips any more, we did when the children were little though. They have too much bookwork to get through each day, if we do go somewhere it's on the weekends I guess!

  3. Love this post! I love things all historical!! Can't wait to see more pics!


  4. That last photo really is cute!

    I love picture heavy posts, bring it on! :)

    This looks like a fun field trip, I can't wait for the next installment.

  5. I always wanted a one room school room in my backyard! Wouldn't homeschooling be more fun with a building like that!

    My mom taught in a one room school in ND after one year of college. It was amazing how organized they had to be to teach 8 grades or more at a time.

  6. LOVE the dunce queen! We went to a similar school museum recently. What fun to relive the good old days!


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