Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Last Earthly Birthday

This picture was taken two years ago on my Grandma's 80th birthday. Isn't she a knock out? Today is her 82nd birthday. We were all hoping she would make it to her birthday and she did! I didn't post a current picture of her because I know she wouldn't want me to. She is extremely thin and frail now. This last year her COPD had taken its toll. She started smoking when she was 18 and was never able to stop even though she tried several times. If it wasn't for smoking, I'm sure my grandma would still be riding dirt bikes with us down in the Alvord Desert. 

Just after she moved into my mother's house a couple months ago, she started failing fast. She now needs 24 hour care and hospice is helping out. What a blessing that organization is! Please pray for my mom who is juggling a full time job and all of grandma's needs. They have found a good care-giver during the day while mom is working. That has helped a lot. It has been a real eye-opener as to what I should expect when my parents are going to need this kind of care. 
As I've gone to visit my grandma during her last days on earth, it certainly has helped me see death in a whole new light. I see that it can actually be a blessing and not something to be feared. I'm so grateful Grandma is a believer and I know that I'm going to see her again someday in a beautifully restored body. I have my moments of grief, but overall I'm learning to see the preciousness in the last days of a person's life. It is such an opportunity for us to serve and love on her. She is maintaining her sense of humor through it all. 

"Thank you, God, for these memorable moments spent with Grandma. Thank you for the opportunity to be able to tell/show her the love I have for her. Please don't let her suffer a moment longer than she needs to on this earth, but don't let her go until you've completely finished what you want to accomplish through her life. God, I pray that as you prepare that special place in heaven for her, that you will include a dirt bike in your plans. I can just picture her riding through the streets of gold on a motorcycle. What a special time you've given us with her. Let us not squander a moment of it. In the meantime, until you take her home to be with you forever, please sustain her. In your precious son's name, Amen"

Now go hug someone you love!

God Bless, 


  1. Jackie, this was beautiful. Thank you for sharing it. Your grandmother sounds like a wonderful person.


  2. Praise God for the next life! Knowing we will see our saved loved ones again certainly takes away the sting of death...

  3. Your post really touched me.
    I am praying for your family.

  4. Praying for your family...so happy that she is a child of God! :)


  5. What joy to know she know's the Lord! Your grandma reminds me of my own. She is 93 and ready to go home to the Lord. Thanks for sharing this. Makes me want to go hug my grandma!

  6. Thanks for the update and birthday news of your grandma! I pray fro you and Stacie as the countdown to your grandma's 'Promotion' reveals the life she has led here on earth. Our Heavenly rewards are far more and better!

  7. Wow Jackie, she is beautiful! So are your words! I lost my grandma this spring, I watched her take her final breath and reach for Jesus. It was something I will never forget, and I want to live my life like that - ready to meet Him and go home!


  8. This is lovely. Thanks for sharing. She will be at peace and free.

    I wish that I could hug my Grammy. She died in 2005. I am glad that she is free from the Alzheimers that stole her life for many years.

    I am praying for you and the family.

    God Bless.


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