Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Miracle Turn Around! Update on Grandma/Mason

This picture was taken almost a year ago. Grandma was 81 in this pic. Thank you so much for all your prayers regarding my Grandma. Her health has taken a turn for the BEST! I think the fact that Grandma went on hospice might prolong her life for awhile longer. Hospice took her off a bunch of the medications the doctors had been prescribing her for years even when she really didn't need it. The last time I saw her, we weren't sure she was going to make it through the night. She sent me home with a bunch of her clothes and things, and she's feeling so good now that she wants them back (especially her red leather jacket, LOL)! Whoo Hoo! My prayer all along has been that she stays on this earth for as long as God needs her. Well He must need her here a little longer because she is doing SO much better. She is able to get out of bed on her own now! I know hospice patients can rally for a time and then relapse again, but I'm going to enjoy every minute I get to spend with my grandma, however long that is. I'm so happy! We give God all the glory in this situation! 

Also, I wanted to let you know that my friend's son, Mason (see button on sidebar) just had his scans and was pronounced CANCER FREE!!!!!!! I know many of you have prayed for this little seven year old boy and God has heard and acted! He is still having a hard time walking because of nerve damage where they had to remove the tumor, so please continue to pray that he will walk/run again. Our God is a god of miracles, yes, even today! Thanks again everyone.



  1. I love good news! This post has lots.

  2. Praise God! So wonderful to here that both your Grandma and Mason are doing so well!

  3. Praise God, Jackie:-) It brings tears to my eyes.

  4. I am so glad. It lifts my spirits to see the beautiful love of God.

    Have a wonderful day.

  5. Glad to hear about your grandma!

    I've been keeping up with Mason's story and excited for his progress as well.

  6. So happy about your praise reports. That is wonderful!

  7. Oh this is wonderful!! I am rejoicing with you!



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