Friday, August 12, 2011

A Winning Day at the Fair!

This is the first year we've ever entered anything into the fair and I think we're hooked! Year after year we've gone to the fair and I've thought to myself, we should enter something next year. I finally got with the program, thanks to my son. I have to say  it made it a lot more fun, wondering if you won or not. 

First things first, the kids always love the goat milking station. There is a lady there every year who loves to let the kids help her milk her goats. I love the way Hailey is standing and looking at the goat. She looks like a real bow-legged buckaroo, LOL.

Pettin' pigs.

Josiah milks the goat by hand.

Josiah was ecstatic when he saw he won 1st place on the basil he grew in his personal garden area. It looked way better than mine. Boy, did it smell good, too!

He was also thrilled to win 1st place on his Healthy German Chocolate Chip Cookies. Trust me, the entire building knew he won, LOL.

The two blue ribbons in the case were for my organic queso fresco cheese and butter. They started two new categories, just for me. Hope I get some competition next year!

So besides, my blue ribbons for cheese and butter and Josiah's for his basil and cookies, I also received a blue for my parsley and two reds for thyme and my bread. I already have so many ideas of things I want to enter for next year. Besides cooking items and herbs and flowers, I would like to enter some photography and scrapbook pages. Between Josiah and I, we earned 13 dollars which we put in an envelope to help pay for tickets to the Celtic Festival/Clan Gathering that will be held in our area the last weekend of August. 

I thought I'd throw this picture in, too. We were able to watch a mounted shooting demonstration. It was fascinating! This pic is of a woman who happens to be Oregon's state champion. Let me tell you, that woman could ride and shoot. No wonder she was state champion! If you ever have a chance to watch this sport, it is well worth your time.

Hope you all are having a chance to visit your local fairs as well. If you've entered anything and won, I'd love to hear about it in the comment section :o)


1 comment:

  1. Nope never had that opportunity, but I really do miss the Union County fair! Oh well, I hear there are fairs in our area, but I just can't imagine them being the same.

    Congratulations on your wins!


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