Monday, November 14, 2011

Monday Meaderings

What a crazy week! Michael was gone elk hunting and my cold decided to turn into a stubborn sinus infection. It is now clearing up thanks to some traditional approaches, although I was close to having to go get antibiotics for this one. I had even made and appointment but ended up cancelling it at the last minute. I honestly struggled this week as I worked, homeschooled and tried to keep meals going for me and the kids. Right before Michael went elk hunting for a week, the dishwasher we had for 14 years finally gave up the ghost. We had nursed it along for years, but it finally completely died on us. It was the very first appliance we ever bought as a married couple when we moved into our home. I didn't grow up with a dishwasher, so it was really a big deal to get one. When it died, we let Josiah completely tear it apart. I don't think there was one wire left uncut by the time he got through. Here is a pic of him with our new dishwasher. Doesn't he look like a salesman in the making? He is showing off the buttons which are located on the top of the door to keep little ones from pushing buttons. Where was this when I had toddlers?!! Awesome invention! Can't believe how well it cleans. So blessed because as usual, God provided the money unexpectedly so we didn't have to take it out of our emergency fund. He has done that three times this year with unexpected, large expenses. I just praise him for his goodness and providence!

We had our first snow last week. It was just a dusting, but it didn't stop the kids from going out (before the sun had even come up all the way) and playing in the snow. Was shocked that they somehow managed to make snowballs with that little amount of snow. Where there is a will, there is a way!

Last weekend, I felt horrible, but knew I had to get the pumpkins processed. They kids were SUCH a big help. We cooked the pumpkins, let them cool, peeled them and then ran them through the KitchenAid grinder attachment.

As you can see, we got it all over us and the kitchen, but we had fun! I guess wearing a white t-shirt probably wasn't the best idea ;) We got 23 cups of pumpkin frozen, all from Josiah's little pumpkins that grew in his garden space.

The next evening we visited my husband's elk camp. Poor guy, he didn't get anything and only saw one elk that he couldn't shoot that whole week. We saw more elk than he did. On our way home that night, two elk ran right in front of us. If I had been going any faster, I would have hit them. 

I brought Michael's hunting buddy's wife and baby up, too. Loved getting to hold little James. He is precious little boy. 

I brought the guys some soup and cornbread and my friend brought a cheesecake. They were grateful to not have to cook a meal. It was very cold up there. Even though we were all bundled up, the kids and I were ready to leave after two hours cause our feet were freezing. 

Michael and I catching up around the fire. 

The kids had a blast! Josiah found a log that became his buckin' bull. Like I said it was all fun for about two hours. I was glad to be going home instead of staying up there. Those guys are crazy!

After pushing through the week flying "Hans Solo" with my nasty sinus infection, my MIL arrived just when I was about ready to crack. Praise God she had Veteran's Day off and had already planned a visit. She helped out with the kids and the house because I had to let a lot of things go in order to still have the energy to homeschool and work that week. God was so good to provide a friend who was able to take Josiah to Aikido because I couldn't leave the house one day. Another friend dropped off eggs and ran errand for me. What a blessing for such great friends!

Michael took this picture of me in my new favorite hat and wearing my penguin sweater as I was relaxing on the couch. He came home Friday and I tried to rest most of the weekend. It helped because I feel so much better now. Glad I didn't have to go to the doctor after all!

It was an emotionally disappointing weekend for Josiah. Michael took Josiah to the AWANAS Grand Prix on Saturday. He had worked really hard on his car, but alas, he didn't win any first prizes. I wasn't there, but Michael and my MIL said he handled it really well until the end. He wants a trophy in the worst way and is finding out how hard it is to get one. Then on Sunday morning he learned my mom's bird, Duffy, died. He was so upset, that we couldn't take him to church. I'm learning he's an very sensitive child, so I'm trying to be more careful about the timing of giving him bad news. I should have waited until after church. Poor kid, he cried and cried. I'm praying God will use that tender heart for his glory. We are working through these life issues one at a time and praying for wisdom along the way.

While it wasn't the greatest week ever, I can look back and see God's provision and sovereignty the whole time. So glad I'm not doing life alone and I've got my God to watch my back!

Hope you all have a great week. God Bless, Jackie


  1. What a crazy week, Jack. I'm glad you are finally feeling better. I know what that is like. It is so hard when you don't feel good, yet the work still needs to get done.

    It looks very cold at elk camp. Glad you didn't have to stay! I don't like camping in snow. No thank you!!!

    Love you, Sis!

  2. Goodness, that was quite a week to be had feeling good let alone not feeling well. It's good to hear that you're feeling better.
    I love your hat AND your penguin sweater!
    Have a lovely day.

  3. What a great post of this and that! I love seeing what you're up too :) You are a brave woman with all that pumpkin!! Throw the kids in your new dishwasher. I have a sensitive one too, and it most usually blesses my heart. Josiah will be a great husband to cry right along with his wife :))) She will appreciate that.

  4. Wow what a week! I hope you are feeling much better!! Making that pumpkin sure looked fun!

    Many Blessings,

  5. What a week! Glad you are feeling better and what a bummer for Michael that he didn't get an Elk. My boys are hunting White Tail deer this week. So far we have 4 hanging in our pole barn waiting for us to process them. What a blessing! Our freezer will be full!

    So good to catch up with you! ♥


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