Sunday, November 6, 2011

Stream Restoration Field Trip 2011

Here are all the homeschool kids who went on the stream restoration field trip we had a couple of weeks ago. It was a really great day for a field trip. Not too cold or wet (if you didn't fall into the stream). They are sitting on a pile of what our family calls "dredge poop", the tailings leftover from a gold mining dredge that left a wake of destruction in the streams and rivers it dredged. 

Our tour guide is homeschooling father, Joe, who works for the Forest Service. His job is to restore the "health" of these streams to increase fish habitat.

He showed us pictures of the different kinds of fish you would find in the stream we were looking at.

Netting for aquatic insects.

Hailey with her friend, Becca. 

More netting.

The kids were so excited when they found an aquatic bug or minnow. 

Joe is pointing out a salmon nest in the gravel bed. 

Joe spent a lot of time showing us all the equipment he uses in his job. It was very interesting. I have a lot more respect for people who restore streams. It isn't an easy job at all!


Simulating how you would "pin" two trees together. Keep in mind you would actually be standing on these logs in a stream doing this. Not as easy as it looks!

We topped off the day with a picnic on the "dredge poop". Doesn't get any better than that!

Thank you, Joe and Becky, for putting on such an interesting field trip. We learned so much!


  1. That looks like a fun and educational field trip, Jackie. You take great pictures for us!

  2. What a great experience for them! nothing better then hands on learning!


  3. There is no better way to learn than with hands-on experience! You live in a beautiful part of the country. Looks like everyone had great fun :)

  4. What a wonderful field trip. I love the photo at the top with all those children!
    I am heading to a homeschool orientation today :))) There are so many more laws here concerning how to go about it, legally that is ;0

  5. Good luck, Rachel! I know you'll do great wading through all the legal stuff. I'm very excited for you. Homeschooling is such a blessing!

  6. Fun!!!!! The boys would really like this! This would be perfect for Boys of Action.

  7. What a fun looking field trip! And yes, you'd want to keep out of that stream at this time of year!! It was COLD today!! :)

    Love to you!
    Camille xo


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