Friday, December 16, 2011

Bringing Home The Tree - A Scottish-Themed Tree

As is our tradition, we went out to a local tree farm and cut a beautiful fir tree. Josiah wanted to cut it down, so we handed him the saw. Love this pic of just his feet sticking out from under the tree. I liked his comment as we were looking at all the trees, "Whew, picking out a Christmas tree is harder than I thought!". 

He lasted about one minute before he asked his dad to take over. 

Standing by the fallen tree. Josiah wanted us all to yell, "Timber!" as it started to topple.

Packing it out is always a family effort. It pays to be the one behind the camera, hee hee!

Josiah and Hailey wanted a Scottish-themed, aka "plaid" Christmas tree this year. I was determined to be much more relaxed after our fiasco last year when I discovered that I had an unhealthy attachment to my tree. Click here for that funny story. We all managed to get the tree up and get it decorated without a family fight. A fete in itself to be sure! When the kids weren't looking, I'd quickly rearrange the ornaments. 

Hailey was my helper to the end. Josiah petered out about half-way through.

I thought I'd take a couple  shots of the tree, using different light settings on the camera. This one shoes the ornaments better.

But this one shows the lights better but is kind of blurry. 
Now if I could just find some bagpipe ornaments! Also, we all thought pheasant feathers sticking out all over the tree would be cool the next time we do this theme. It will give us something to collect as a family.

Hope you are all posting pics of your trees so I can see them. I love looking at other peoples' trees! OK, so I can check one thing off my to-do-list. Tree is up. Check. Next thing on my list is the family Christmas letter...We have so much to be thankful for this year!

God Bless,


  1. Our tree is Scottish every year - we name them, you see. One year was Hamish, one was Duncan, one was Jamie (from the Diana Gabaldon novels), and this year is Desmond (from the character on LOST).

    It's my birthday today, so you're invited to swing by my blog for some cocktail weenies and a whiskey sour.

  2. Your tree is beautiful! Thanks for sharing.

  3. I love the blurry one. It's very "artsy". :)

    I'm happy with a Goodwill find I came across this year. Several 9 ft. garlands of red wooden beads.

  4. I admired those who has able to create a blog as wonderful as this! You are truly a hard working person. Keep up the good work and keep on posting.



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