Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Josiah's First Fish

Whew! Seems like it has been getting busy around here with fun, fun and more fun! Josiah was begging to go fishing the other day, so we finally took our little rowboat out to the local lake. Josiah caught his first fish all by himself! He was so excited!

He stole my fishing hat, LOL!

Hailey was his lovely assistant.

We let the fish trail behind the boat to keep them fresh while we fished and Hailey couldn't get enough of watching and touching them.
The beautiful lake.

We tease Michael that he is our human trolling motor. He's awesome!

Hailey standing proud with the catch of the day. Josiah managed to catch 3 fish, while the rest of us caught nothin'. He wanted to stay until we caught 4 fish (one for each of us), but had to go home. 
For Father's Day, Michael wanted to take the family out to the local children's ATV park to test the Odyssey and dirt bike before we took them out of town to ride. Glad we did, because we found a few kinks that needed to be worked out. The frame broke on the Odyssey, but Michael was able to weld it up when we got home. We rode around the track a few times with Josiah, then we let him go. He did really well and didn't run into anything or anybody. It is a challenging track for kids and we were happy with how safely he was driving it. He had a great time!

Michael on the dirt bike he rebuilt. He loves this bike! I got to take it for a spin, too. It has some pep to it and you can do a wheelie very easily, so you gotta be careful. Glad we were able to do something fun for Father's Day that we could all enjoy as a family.

Now back to the garden!

God Bless,


  1. Aw, sounds like guys are having so much fun together! I love when kids come up with an idea to do as a family. Even if you have to squeeze it in it's usually so full of memories.

    When we camped out on Memorial weekend it was cold! We're talkin' down in the 30's on the mountain. But the kids insisted and we all bundled up for the night and had a great time together. So glad they pushed for it.

    Love the smile on Josiah's face with that fish. He looks like one proud, excited boy!

  2. Keep making those memories! My brother caught a large fish just the other day using a gummy worm ~ can you believe that! Someone told him it couldn't be done. So, he proved to them it could. I just might start fishing again if I can use gummy worms. I never did like to bate the hook. Have a great day.

  3. Great job Josiah! It's a whopper!

    Can't wait to drive the Odyssey!

    Love you so much, Sis and can't wait to see you tomorrow!

  4. Great pictures and great fun! Jerry took the girls the other day and they got 7 and 8 a piece and he caught 1! LOL

    Have a great weekend!



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