Monday, July 2, 2012

Our Ray Of Sunshine

We had the privilege of attending a Creation-based Vacation Bible School a couple of weeks ago. The kids had a blast and were so affirmed in their faith and belief that God really did create the world in 6 days! 

Hailey loves any excuse to dress pretty and have me curl her hair. After getting her all dolled up one day she asked me to take some pictures of her. Me, take pictures of my kids? No problem! Can't believe she is going to be 5 years old in a month. Sniff, sniff.

She is such a poser!

I love this green dress on her. It goes so good with her red hair.

Posing in the lilac tree.

Such a cutie pie!

I discovered something new about Hailey while watching her in action at VBS. She is a natural born leader, without even meaning to be. She loves to dance. Whenever she would start dancing, other kids her age would dance, too. It was so cute! She is a free spirit, which sometimes gets her into trouble ;)

Here is Hailey with her new special friend, whose name is also Hailey. Yep, spelled exactly the same way. They were stuck to each other like glue the whole week. Homeschoolers have to be active in seeking out friends, and I'm so happy both my kids have good friends. What a blessing indeed!

God Bless,


  1. oh sweet little Hailey. My granddaughter likes to pose for me as well now and she's 4. A creation based VBS sounds great! Take care and have a good holiday week! Hugs and blessings too!

  2. She is so adorable.

    We are still trying to find friends here since our move. Good friends are very rare.

    Have a most blessed day.

  3. What a pretty little girl! My Lily, who was 4 in May loves her dresses too :)

  4. Oh goodness Hailey is getting so big! It seems like she sprouted up overnight! Your family is so adorable... I wish Anthony had turned out to be a redhead.. oh well at least he has a red tint ;-)


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