Thursday, July 5, 2012

Cup of Blessings Tea Parlor

I had the privilege of finally going to luncheon tea at the "Cup of Blessings Tea Parlor" in Wallowa, OR. I've been wanting to go for awhile now and thought I better do it before we moved further from the area. I'm so glad I did! I was able to take most of the ladies from my bible study group. We all know each other through MOPS (Mother's of Preschoolers) as well. Oh boy, did we truly come away blessed! 

I've never experienced anything like it. You actually had time to relax. It was over 5 hours of eating in courses, taking in the garden in between courses and talking with dear friends. We walked out of there feeling like limp noodles. 

Beautiful vase.

I loved these little teacup garden stakes.

How cute is that?

We spent some time in the tea room where she stocks well over a hundred different kinds of tea. I could have spent an hour just smelling teas. I was in heaven!

We also perused her adorable little gift shop. The miniature tea sets are always my favorite.

When we walked into the parlor, I was surprised to see my old prom dress hanging in the corner. I guess I'm vintage now, LOL.

We used Cora's birthday as an excuse to get together finally. Happy birthday my dear friend! What a way to celebrate! As you can tell by that sweet grin, she was having fun. We all needed that day of relaxation so badly. 

I love this tea cup candelabra.

Here is another dear MOPS friend, Jamie. After the 4th or 5th pot of tea, she finally got over her fear of using a pretty cup and saucer.  First time I ever saw her in a dress, too :) Isn't she beautiful?

This is my sweet friend, Kelcy, whom I adore as well. She also looked so pretty that day.

Our hostess and owner of Cup of Blessings Tea Parlor. She is a wonderful Christian gal, who has quite a testimony. You literally can feel her sweet spirit as you walk onto her property. She has quite a ministry doing what she does. She worked very hard to serve us that day. She also taught us tea etiquette.

The first course, cucumber sandwiches that looked like lilies. These were so good! I even ate the chives.

You truly had to pace yourself. Here are more cucumber sandwiches on the top with chicken/pecan/cranberry salad sandwiches on bottom. I really wish I had my good camera with me so I could have taken better pictures. We were encouraged to eat the beautiful violets. I'm not sure if you can see it, but the watermelon was cut into little teapot shapes. Adorable!

Pretty Kelcy looking at the pond life.

The lovely Jamie crossing the footbridge. 

I was checking out the chicken coop to the left. It was the cleanest, cutest coop I'd ever seen. You wouldn't believe how they fixed the place up. The tea parlor used to be an old shed.

Love this fountain!

Aw, the scones with homemade to-die-for lemon curd and strawberry sauce with Devonshire cream. We all ate far to many of these.

You can't leave a tea parlor without trying on at least one hat! This one matched my outfit.

We barely managed to top it all off with some lemon cheese cake. Again, unbelievably good!

If you are ever in the little town of Wallowa, OR. You have to stop at Cup of Blessings Tea Parlor. I promise you will come away blessed!



  1. Sounds like you had a good time. I miss the Tudor Rose tea room that was in Salem. But I noticed a new one opening in the basement of a restaurant. So I need to go there with a friend or hubby soon! Thanks for sharing the fun photos!

  2. Don't you just *love* a tea room? How fun that you were able to go with some precious friends. The LORD is Good to us, isn't HE? You saw your prom dress? How fun is that??!! Ah, yes...vintage...I fit into that category more than you do!! LOL! :)


    P.S. I trust your summer is going well....


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